1. Go to this page and download the library: Download junjian/fb-php-business-sdk library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
junjian / fb-php-business-sdk example snippets
use FacebookAds\Api;
// Initialize a new Session and instantiate an Api object
Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
// The Api object is now available through singleton
$api = Api::instance();
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
$account = new AdAccount();
$account->name = 'My account name';
echo $account->name;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdAccountFields;
$account = new AdAccount();
$account->{AdAccountFields::NAME} = 'My account name';
echo $account->{AdAccountFields::NAME};
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
$account = (new AdAccount($account_id))->getSelf();
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdAccountFields;
$fields = array(
$account = (new AdAccount($account_id))->getSelf($fields);
use FacebookAds\Object\AdSet;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields;
$account_id = 'act_123123';
$campaign_id = '123456';
$account = new AdAccount($account_id);
$adset = $account->createAdSet(
AdSetFields::NAME => 'My Test AdSet',
AdSetFields::CAMPAIGN_ID => campaign_id,
AdSetFields::DAILY_BUDGET => 150,
AdSetFields::START_TIME => (new \DateTime("+1 week"))->format(\DateTime::ISO8601),
AdSetFields::END_TIME => (new \DateTime("+2 week"))->format(\DateTime::ISO8601),
AdSetFields::TARGETING => array('geo_locations' => array('countries' => array('US'))),
AdSetFields::BID_AMOUNT => '1000',
echo $adset->id;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdSet;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields;
$ad_set_id = '123456';
$set = new AdSet($ad_set_id);
$fields = array(
$params = array(
AdSetFields::NAME => 'My new AdSet name',
$set->updateSelf($fields, $params);
use FacebookAds\Object\AdSet;
$ad_set_id = '123456';
$set = new AdSet($ad_set_id);
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\CampaignFields;
$account = new AdAccount('<ACT_ID>');
$cursor = $account->getCampaigns(['id','name']);
// Loop over objects
foreach ($cursor as $campaign) {
echo $campaign->{CampaignFields::NAME}.PHP_EOL;
// Access objects by index
if ($cursor->count() > 0) {
echo "The first campaign in the cursor is: ".$cursor[0]->{CampaignFields::NAME}.PHP_EOL;
// Fetch the next page
// New Objects will be appended to the cursor
use FacebookAds\Cursor;
use FacebookAds\Object\AbstractCrudObject;
/** @var \FacebookAds\Cursor $cursor */
while ($cursor->valid()) {
echo $cursor->current()->{AbstractCrudObject::FIELD_ID}.PHP_EOL;
use FacebookAds\Api;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$api = Api::instance();
use FacebookAds\Logger\CurlLogger;
$api->setLogger(new CurlLogger());
$account = new AdAccount($account_id);
php composer.phar install --no-dev
php composer.phar install --dev
cp test/config.php.dist test/config.php
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