PHP code example of juniora / laravel-zip

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download juniora/laravel-zip library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


juniora / laravel-zip example snippets

use Zip;

    $zip = Zip::open('');

    $zip = Zip::create('');

    $is_valid = Zip::check('');

    // extract whole archive

    // extract a file
    $zip->extract('/path/to/uncompressed/files', 'file');

    // extract multiple files
    $zip->extract('/path/to/uncompressed/files', array('file1','file2'));

    // Check if archive has a file

    // Check if archive has a file case insensitively
    $zip->has('/path/to/file/in/archive', ZipArchive::FL_NOCASE);

    // Check if archive has a file ignoring directory component
    $zip->has('file', ZipArchive::FL_NODIR);

    // Check if archive has a file case insensitively ignoring directory component
    $zip->has('file', ZipArchive::FL_NOCASE|ZipArchive::FL_NODIR);


    // declaring path

    // add directory

    // add directory (only its content)
    $zip->add('/path/to/my/directory', true);

    $zip->addFromString('file name with extension', 'content of file');
    $zip->addFromString('filename.txt', $file_content);
    $zip->addFromString('folder/file1.txt', $file_content);
    $zip->addFromString('folder/file2.txt', $file_content);

    // using array as parameter
    $zip->add( array('/path/to/my/file1', '/path/to/my/file2');

    // chaining methods

    // declaring path


    // using array as parameter
    $zip->delete( array('file1', 'file2') );

    // chaining methods



    // set mode

    // get mode
    $mode = $zip->getSkipped();

    // set password

    // get password
    $password = $zip->getPassword();

    // set mask

    // get mask
    $mask = $zip->getMask();


use ZanySoft\Zip\ZipManager;
use Zip;
    // init manager
    $manager = new ZipManager();

    // register existing zips
    $manager->addZip( Zip::open('/path/to/my/') )
            ->addZip( Zip::open('/path/to/my/') );

    // register a new zip
    $manager->addZip( Zip::create('/path/to/my/') );

    // get a list of registered zips
    $list = $manager->listZips();

    // remove a zip

    // get a Zip
    $zip = $manager->getZip(0);

    $manager = new ZipManager();

    // register existing zips
    $manager->addZip( Zip::open('/path/to/my/') )
            ->addZip( Zip::open('/path/to/my/') );

    // register a new zip
    $manager->addZip( Zip::create('/path/to/my/') );

    // separate content in folders
    $extract = $manager->extract('/path/to/uncompressed/files', true);

    // use a single folder
    $extract = $manager->extract('/path/to/uncompressed/files', false);

    // extract single file
    $extract = $manager->extract('/path/to/uncompressed/files', false, 'file');

    // extract multiple files
    $extract = $manager->extract('/path/to/uncompressed/files', false, array('file1','file2'));

    // separate content in folders
    $manager->merge('/path/to/output/', true);

    // flatten files
    $manager->merge('/path/to/output/', false);


    // set path

    // get path
    $path = $zip->getPath();

    // set masks

    // get masks
    $mask = $manager->getMask();