1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jsl/ensure library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
jsl / ensure example snippets
use Jsl\Ensure\Ensure;
$values = [
'name' => 'Mr Magoo',
'age' => 77,
$rules = [
'name' => ['ure = new Ensure($rules, $values);
// Validate the values against the rules
$result = $ensure->validate();
// Check if the validation was successful
$result->isValid(); // Returns true or false
// If validation failed, get array of validation errors
// Returns:
// Array
// (
// [name] => Array
// (
// [0] => Size of name must be at least 20
// )
// [age] => Array
// (
// [0] => Size of age must be at least 80
// )
// )
$rules = [
'name' => [' 'type' => 'integer', 'minSize' => 80],
// Pass them through the constructor
$ensure = new Ensure($rules, $values);
// Add/replace a rule on an existing instance
// setFieldRule(string $field, string $rule, ...$args)
$ensure->setFieldRule('name', 'minSize', 10);
// Add/replace multiple rules on an existing instance
// setFieldRules(string $field, array $rules)
$ensure->setFieldRules('age', ['type' => 'string', 'minSize' => 70]);
// Remove a field rule
// removeRule(string $field, string $rule)
$ensure->removeFieldRule('age', 'type');
$values = [
'name' => 'Mr Magoo',
'age' => 77,
// Pass them through the constructor
// You can pass $_POST or $_GET directly as well
$ensure = new Ensure($rules, $values);
// Add/replace a value on an existing instance
// seFieldValue(string $field, mixed $value)
$ensure->setFieldValue('name', 'Mrs Magoo');
// Replace all values
// replaceValues(array $values)
'name' => 'Mrs Magoo',
'age' => 70
// Validate the values against the rules and get the result
$result = $ensure->validate();
// Check if the validation was successful
$result->isValid(); // Returns true or false
// Getting potential errors (returns all failed rules for the fields)
// This will return an array [fieldname => [error1, error2, ...]]
$errors = $result->getErrors();
// To only get the first failed rule, pass "true" to the method
// This will return an array [fieldname => error1, fieldname2 => error1, ...]
$errors = $result->getErrors(true);
// Set the default error template for a specific rule
// This will replace the error template for this rule for all fields
$ensure->setRuleTemplate('rule', '{field} has failed {a:0}');
// Set the default error template for a specific rule for a specific field
// This will only replace the error template for this rule for the specific field
$ensure->setFieldRuleTemplate('field', 'rule', '{field} has failed {a:0}');
// Set a single error template for a specific field, regardless of which rule failed
// Note: This will only replace rule templates, not field rule templates set with setFieldRuleTemplate()
$ensure->setFieldTemplate('field', 'rule', '{field} has failed {a:0}');
// To remove a previously added error template, pass in null as the message
// This works on all the above methods
$ensure->setRuleTemplate('rule', null);
$template = '{field} must be {a:0}';
// {field} will be replaced with the field name
// {a:0} will be replaced with the value from the first argument
// {a:1} will be replaced with the value from the second argument
// ...you can have as many `{a:x}` as there are arguments for the rule
// Set multiple fancy names in one go
'name' => 'The name',
'age' => 'The age',
// Either through the rules array
$rules = [
'name' => [
'any other rule
$ensure->setFieldRule('fieldname', 'as', 'Fancy field name');
class BetweenValidator
public function __invoke($value, $min, $max): bool
return $value >= $min && $value <= $max;;
$ensure->addValidator('between', BetweenValidator::class);
// You can also pass it as an instance
$ensure->addValidator('between', new BetweenValidator);
class MyValidators
public function myBetweenMethod($value, $min, $max): bool
return $value >= $min && $value <= $max;
$ensure->addValidator('between', [MyValidators::class, 'myBetweenMethod']);
// You can also use an instance
$ensure->addValidator('between', [new MyValidators, 'myBetweenMethod']);
class AreFieldsSameValidator extends \Jsl\Ensure\Abstracts\Validator
* Check if two values are the same
* @param mixed $value The value
* @param string $field The name of the other field
* @return bool
public function __invoke($value, $field): bool
return $value === $this->getValue($field);
* For classes implementing the ValidatorInstance,
* we should add the error template like this
* @return string
public function getTemplate(): string
return '{field} must be the same as {a:0}';
$ensure->addValidator('sameAsField', AreFieldsSameValidator::class);
return new $className;
$ensure->setClassResolver(function (string $className) use ($yourContainer) {
return $yourContainer->has($className)
? $yourContainer->get($className)
: new $className;
use Jsl\Ensure\EnsureFactory;
$factory = new EnsureFactory;
// To get an Ensure instance that inherits those settings
$ensure = $factory->create($rules, $data);