1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jsiefer/mage-mock library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
jsiefer / mage-mock example snippets
use JSiefer\ClassMocker\ClassMocker;
use JSiefer\MageMock\MagentoMock;
$magentoFramework = new MagentoMock();
$classMocker = new ClassMocker();
// optional cache dir for generated classes
$mock->save = function() {
return $this;
* Class Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
* @pattern Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
* @sort 100
trait My_Mage_Core_Model_Abstract_Stub
* Save object data
* @return $this
public function save()
return $this;
// Then in your bootstrap.php
$magentoFramework = new MagentoMock();
$classMocker = new ClassMocker();
use Mage_Sales_Model_Quote as Quote;
use Mage_Catalog_Model_Product as Product;
use Mage_Customer_Model_Customer as Customer;
class MyTest extends JSiefer\MageMock\PHPUnit\TestCase
* Test mocking mage
* @return void
* @test
public function testMockingMage()
// This is the Mage mock
$mage = $this->getMage();
$baseUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(); // foobar
* Example for mocking a singleton
* @return void
* @test
public function testSingleton()
$customer = new Customer();
// Create customer session mock
$session = $this->getSingleton('catalog/session');
// Now you can use this session, only valid in this test
$session = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/session');
* Creating model mocks on the fly using model factories
* Supose multiple Product models get initiated and you need them to return
* a unique id by default.
* @return void
* @test
public function testModelFactory()
$idCounter = 1;
// Register a factory closure for creating class instances
// Factories are registred by the full class name
$this->registerModelFactory(Product::class, function() use (&$idCounter) {
$instance = new Product();
return $instance;
$productA = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$productB = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$this->assertNotSame($productA, $productB, "Both product should be two different instances");
$this->assertEquals(1, $productA->getId());
$this->assertEquals(2, $productB->getId());
* Class Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle
* @method string getId()
* @method string getName()
* @method string getNumberOfDoors()
* @method string getNumberOfSeats()
* @method string getNumberOfWheels()
* @method string getTopSpeed()
class Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
* Initialize resources
* @return void
protected function _construct()
* @return $this
protected function _beforeSave()
if (!$this->getName()) {
throw new DomainException("Vehicle must have a name");
return parent::_beforeSave();
* Is vehicle a bile
* @return bool
public function isBike()
return $this->getNumberOfWheels() == 2 &&
$this->getNumberOfDoors() == 0;
* Load bike by name
* @param string $name
* @return $this
public function loadByName($name)
$this->load($name, 'name');
return $this;
* Simple unit test for Vehicle model
class VehicleTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Simple test to see that all classes
* are initialized during testing without
* the presents of the magento framework
* @test
public function testVehicleClassInstance()
$vehicle = new \Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle();
$this->assertInstanceOf('Mage_Core_Model_Abstract', $vehicle);
$this->assertInstanceOf('Varien_Object', $vehicle);
$this->assertInstanceOf('ArrayAccess', $vehicle);
// class const example
* Test _construct() method
* You can call protected methods by using the helper
* function __callProtectedMethod($name, array $args = [])
* @return void
* @test
public function validateConstructMethod()
/** @var \Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle|\JSiefer\ClassMocker\Mock\BaseMock $product */
$product = new \Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle();
// call protected method _construct
* Test before vehicle save validation
* @return void
* @test
public function testSaveValidation()
$vehicle = new \Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle();
$this->assertEquals('foobar', $vehicle->getName());
try {
$vehicle = new \Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle();
$this->fail("Expected validation error for missing name");
catch(\Exception $e) {
'Vehicle must have a name',
'Caught wrong exception'
* Test isBike() method
* @return void
* @test
public function testIsBikeMethod()
$vehicle = new \Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle();
'Vehicle should not be a bike by default'
'Vehicle should be a bike if it has two wheels and no doors'
* Test load by name method
* Since the Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle class extends a class-mocker generated
* class all PHPUnitObjectMock methods are available
* @return void
* @test
public function testLoadByName()
$vehicle = new \Magemock_Sample_Model_Vehicle();
->with($this->equalTo('foobar'), $this->equalTo('name'));
$result = $vehicle->loadByName('foobar');
$this->assertSame($vehicle, $result, 'loadByName should return $this');
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