PHP code example of joseluisq / ruta

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download joseluisq/ruta library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


joseluisq / ruta example snippets


use Ruta\Ruta;
use Ruta\Request;
use Ruta\Response;
use Ruta\Status;

// 1. Callback style

// NOTE: `Request`, `Response`, `array` (slug arguments) are passed to the callback.
// However they are optional and their order can be modified. See more examples below.

Ruta::get('/home/hola', function (Request $req, Response $res) {
        'host' => $req->header(Header::Host),
        'headers' => $req->headers(),
Ruta::get('/home/hola/redirect', function (Response $res) {
Ruta::get('/reg/regex(id=^[0-9]+$)/exp', function (Response $res, array $args) {
    $res->json(['args' => $args]);
Ruta::post('/home/{path3}/some2', function (Response $res) {
    $res->json(['post_data' => 11010101010]);

Ruta::some('/home/some', [Method::POST, Method::PUT], function (Request $req, Response $res) {
    $res->json(['only' => $req->method()]);

Ruta::any('/home/methods', function (Request $req, Response $res) {
    $res->json(['method' => $req->method()]);

Ruta::post('/home/{path}', function (Response $res) {
        ->header('X-Header-One', 'Header Value 1')
        ->header('X-Header-Two', 'Header Value 2')
        ->json(['some_data' => 223424234]);

// 2. class/method style
class HomeCtrl
    public function index(Request $req, Response $res, array $args)
        // 2.1 $args contains route placeholder values
        if (array_key_exists('path1', $args)) {
            // do something...

        // 2.2. Get data provided via `multipart/form-data` 
        $data = $req->multipart();
        // 2.3. Get all headers
        $data = $req->headers();
        // 2.4. Get a single header
        $data = $req->header("Host");
        // 2.5. Get data provided via `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` 
        $data = $req->urlencoded();
        // 2.6. Get data provided via `application/json`
        $data = $req->json();
        // 2.7. Get data provided via `application/xml`
        $data = $req->xml();
        // 2.8. Get query data
        $data = $req->query();

        $res->json(['data' => 'Message from a class!']);

    // Custom 404 reply
    public function not_found(Response $res)
            ->text("404 - Page Not Found!");

Ruta::get('/home/{path1}/some/{path2}', [HomeCtrl::class, 'index']);

// 3. Handle 404 not found routes
Ruta::not_found([HomeCtrl::class, 'not_found']);