PHP code example of josbeir / cakephp-filesystem

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download josbeir/cakephp-filesystem library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


josbeir / cakephp-filesystem example snippets

return [
    'Filesystem' => [
        'default' => [
            'adapter' => 'League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter', // default
            'adapterArguments' => [ WWW_ROOT . 'files' ]
        'other' => [
            'adapter' => 'League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter',
            'adapterArguments' => [ WWW_ROOT . 'cache' ],
            'entityClass' => '\My\Cool\EntityClass',
            'formatter' => '\My\Cool\Formatter'

    'tmp_name' => '/tmp/blabla',
    'filename' => 'lame filename.png',
    'error' => 0,
    'size' => 1337,
    'type' => 'image/png'

namespace App\Controller;

use Josbeir\Filesystem\FilesystemAwareTrait;

class MyController extends AppController {

    use FilesystemAwareTrait;

    public function upload()
        $fileEntity = $this->getFilesystem('myfs')->upload($this->request->getData('upload'));


object(Josbeir\Filesystem\FileEntity) {

    'uuid' => 'a105663a-f1a5-40ab-8716-fac211fb01fd',
    'path' => 'articles/now_im_called_bar.png',
    'filename' => 'lame filename.png',
    'filesize' => (int) 28277,
    'mime' => 'image/png',
    'hash' => '6b16dafccd78955892d3eae973b49c6c',
    'meta' => null,
    'created' => object(Cake\I18n\Time) {

        'time' => '2018-05-27T15:31:54+00:00',
        'timezone' => '+00:00',
        'fixedNowTime' => false



$entity->getUuid() // a105663a-f1a5-40ab-8716-fac211fb01fd

$entity = $this->getFilesystem()->newEntity([
    'uuid' => 'a105663a-f1a5-40ab-8716-fac211fb01fd',
    'path' => 'articles/now_im_called_bar.png',
    'filename' => 'lame filename.png',
    'filesize' => 28277,
    'mime' => 'image/png',
    'hash' => '6b16dafccd78955892d3eae973b49c6c',
    'created' => '2018-05-27T15:31:54+00:00',
    "meta": [
        "extra" => "stuf"

$entities = FileEntityCollection::createFromArray($entities [, string $filesystem]);

return [
    'Filesystem' => [
        'default' => [
            'entityClass' => 'App\Model\Entity\MyFileEntity'

namespace App\Model\Entity;

use Cake\ORM\Entity;
use Josbeir\Filesystem\FileEntityInterface;

class MyFileEntity extends Entity implements FileEntityInterface
    public function getPath() : string
        return $this->path;

    public function setPath(string $path) : FileEntityInterface
        $this->set('path', $path);

        return $this;

$entity = $this->Posts->get(1);

$fileEntity = $this->getFilesystem()->upload(TMP . 'myfile.png', [
    'formatter' => 'Entity', // formatter to use
    'data' => $entity // data to pass to the formatter

$entity = $this->Posts->get(1);

    ->upload(TMP . 'myfile.png', [
        'formatter' => 'Entity',
        'data' => $entity,
        'pattern' => '{entity-source}/{date-y}-{date-m}-{date-d}-{file-name}-{custom}.{file-ext}',
        'replacements' => [ 'custom' => 'key' ] // extra replacement patterns

namespace \Path\To\Formatters

use Josbeir\Filesystem\DefaultFormatter;

class MyFormatter extends DefaultFormatter
    // Extra settings?
    protected $_defaultConfig = [
        'mysetting1' => 'hello'
        'mysetting2' => 'world'

    public function getPath() : string
        $setting = $this->getConfig('mysetting1');
        $setting2 = $this->getConfig('mysetting2');

        return $setting . DS . $setting2 . DS . $this->getBaseName();

$file = $this->getFilesystem()
    ->upload($file, [
        'mysetting2' => 'cool',

debug($file->getPath()) // hello/cool/myfile.png

// Upload a file
// Will fire Filesystem.beforeUpload and Filesystem.afterUpload
$this->getFilesystem()->upload($data, $config);

// Upload multiple files and returns a FileEntityCollection
// Will fire Filesystem.beforeUpload and Filesystem.afterUpload (after each file upload)
$this->getFilesystem()->uploadMany($files, $config);

// Copy an entity
// Will fire Filesystem.beforeCopy and Filesystem.afterCopy
$this->getFilesystem()->copy($entity, $config);

// Rename an entity
// Will fire Filesystem.beforeRename and Filesystem.afterRename
$this->getFilesystem()->rename($entity, $config);

// Delete an entity from the FS
// Will fire Filesystem.beforeDelete and Filesystem.afterDelete

// Check if a file entity exists on the FS

// Get Flysystem FS instance

// Get Flysystem adatapter

// Set the formatter class name to be used

// Return a new formatter instance
$this->getFilesystem()->newFormatter($filename, $config);

// Reset formatter and adapter to default configuration

return [
    'Filesystem' => [
        'default' => [
            'adapter' => 'League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter',
            'adapterArguments' => [ WWW_ROOT . 'assets' . DS . 'local' ],
            'normalizer' => [
                'hashingAlgo' => 'sha1'

return [
    'Filesystem' => [
        'default' => [
            'adapter' => 'League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter',
            'adapterArguments' => [ WWW_ROOT . 'assets' . DS . 'local' ],
            'entityClass' => 'App\Model\Entity\FilesystemFile'
        'cache' => [
            'adapter' => 'League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter',
            'adapterArguments' => [ WWW_ROOT . 'assets' . DS . 'cached' ],

use FilesystemAwareTrait;


$routes->registerMiddleware('glide', new GlideMiddleware([
    'server' => [
        'source' => $this->getFilesystem()->getDisk(),
        'cache' => $this->getFilesystem('cache')->getDisk()

$routes->scope('/images', [ 'cache' => false ], function ($routes) {