PHP code example of josantonius / minecraft-server-player-stat

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download josantonius/minecraft-server-player-stat library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


josantonius / minecraft-server-player-stat example snippets

 * @param string $version     Server version.
 * @param string $language    Server language.
 * @param string $logsPath    Server logs directory path.
 * @param string $statsPath   Server stats directory path.
 * @param string $storagePath Directory path where available terms and players will be stored.
 * @throws MinecraftServerException      if the Minecraft version or language is not valid.
 * @throws UnreadableDirectoryException  if the logs or stats path is not valid.
 * @throws UnwriteableDirectoryException if the storage path is not valid.
 * @see to see available languages.
public function __construct(
    private string $version,
    private string $language,
    private string $logsPath,
    private string $statsPath,
    private string $storagePath,

 * @param string $username Username in case insensitive.
 * @param string $term     Literal Minecraft term in case insensitive.
 *                         In Spanish, a term with accents can be written without them. 
 *                         For another languages accents are Stat;

public function getAvailableStats(): array;

public function getPlayerList(): array;

public readonly int|null $broken;

public readonly int|null $crafted;

public readonly int|null $dropped;

public readonly int|null $killed;

public readonly int|null $killedBy;

public readonly int|null $mined;

public readonly int|null $pickedUp;

public readonly int|null $used;

 * If the unit type is distance, this value is given in centimeters.
 * If the unit type is time, this value is given in ticks.
 * @see to see the unit conversions.
public readonly int|null $custom;

public readonly string $key;

public readonly string $prettyTerm;

public readonly string $term;

 * Available types: block, entity, item, stat.
public readonly string $type;

 * Available types: amount, distance, time.
public readonly string $unitType;

public readonly string $username;

public readonly string $uuid;

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\WrongTermException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\StatsNotFoundException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\UnknownUsernameException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\MinecraftServerException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\UnreadableDirectoryException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\UnwriteableDirectoryException;

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.17.1',
    language:    'it_it',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('Aguilar11235813', 'Blocco Di Diamante');

echo "{$stat->username} ha raccolto {$stat->pickedUp} blocchi di diamante.";

// Aguilar11235813 ha raccolto 8 blocchi di diamanti.

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => NULL,
   'crafted'    => NULL,
   'custom'     => NULL,
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => NULL,
   'killedBy'   => NULL,
   'mined'      => 8,
   'pickedUp'   => 8,
   'used'       => NULL,
   'key'        => 'diamond_block',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Blocco di diamante',
   'term'       => 'Blocco Di Diamante',
   'type'       => 'block',
   'unitType'   => 'amount',
   'username'   => 'Aguilar11235813',
   'uuid'       => '18f154fe-3678-37e9-9b77-185e0bfe446d',

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.19.1',
    language:    'es_es',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('Armadillo', 'Distancia Volada');

echo "{$stat->username} voló una distancia de " . cmToKm($stat->custom) . ' kilómetros.';

// Armadillo voló una distancia de 6 kilómetros.

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => NULL,
   'crafted'    => NULL,
   'custom'     => 585888, // centimeters
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => NULL,
   'killedBy'   => NULL,
   'mined'      => NULL,
   'pickedUp'   => NULL,
   'used'       => NULL,
   'key'        => 'fly_one_cm',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Distancia volada',
   'term'       => 'Distancia Volada',
   'type'       => 'stat',
   'unitType'   => 'distance',
   'username'   => 'Armadillo',
   'uuid'       => '14e55460-c753-31f2-bd0a-c305e2ff34b5',

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.17',
    language:    'en_us',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('KrakenBite', 'zombie');

echo "{$stat->username} was killed {$stat->killedBy} times by a {$stat->term}.";

// KrakenBite was killed 2 times by a zombie.

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => NULL,
   'crafted'    => NULL,
   'custom'     => NULL,
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => 8,
   'killedBy'   => 2,
   'mined'      => NULL,
   'pickedUp'   => NULL,
   'used'       => NULL,
   'key'        => 'zombie',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Zombie',
   'term'       => 'zombie',
   'type'       => 'entity',
   'unitType'   => 'amount',
   'username'   => 'KrakenBite',
   'uuid'       => '5cd5d2e7-9b3a-3f06-befb-34f7a81b14c6',

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.18.1',
    language:    'fr_fr',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('Tweedlex', 'HACHE ON BOIS');

echo "{$stat->username} a utilisé une " . strtolower($stat->term) . " {$stat->used} fois.";

// Tweedlex a utilisé une hache en bois 111 fois.

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => 8,
   'crafted'    => 8,
   'custom'     => NULL,
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => NULL,
   'killedBy'   => NULL,
   'mined'      => NULL,
   'pickedUp'   => NULL,
   'used'       => 111,
   'key'        => 'wooden_axe',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Hache en bois',
   'term'       => 'HACHE ON BOIS',
   'type'       => 'item',
   'unitType'   => 'amount',
   'username'   => 'Tweedlex',
   'uuid'       => '8cb86072-3472-3b86-90f2-1e11b7188197',

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.19.2',
    language:    'pt_br',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('SpOok', 'tempo   desde a última morte');

echo 'SpOok morreu pela última vez há ' . ticksToHour($stat->custom) . ' horas.';

// SpOok morreu pela última vez há 10 horas.

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => NULL,
   'crafted'    => NULL,
   'custom'     => 720000, // ticks
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => NULL,
   'killedBy'   => NULL,
   'mined'      => NULL,
   'pickedUp'   => NULL,
   'used'       => NULL,
   'key'        => 'time_since_death',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Tempo desde a última morte',
   'term'       => 'tempo   desde a última morte',
   'type'       => 'stat',
   'unitType'   => 'time',
   'username'   => 'SpOok',
   'uuid'       => '8d5b923d-37fb-38d1-8a6a-a17cd5ccf768',

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.17.1',
    language:    'en_us',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$terms = $minecraftServer->getAvailableStats();

    /* ... */

    'zombie spawn egg' => [
        'key' => 'zombie_spawn_egg',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombie Spawn Egg',
        'type' => 'item',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombie villager' => [
        'key' => 'zombie_villager',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombie Villager',
        'type' => 'entity',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombie villager spawn egg' => [
        'key' => 'zombie_villager_spawn_egg',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombie Villager Spawn Egg',
        'type' => 'item',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombie wall head' => [
        'key' => 'zombie_wall_head',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombie Wall Head',
        'type' => 'block',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombified piglin' => [
        'key' => 'zombified_piglin',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombified Piglin',
        'type' => 'entity',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombified piglin spawn egg' => [
        'key' => 'zombified_piglin_spawn_egg',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg',
        'type' => 'item',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.17',
    language:    'en_us',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$players = $minecraftServer->getPlayerList();

    /* ... */

  'armadillo'       => '14e55460-c753-31f2-bd0a-c305e2ff34b5',
  'aguilar11235813' => '18f154fe-3678-37e9-9b77-185e0bfe446d',
  'krakenbite'      => '5cd5d2e7-9b3a-3f06-befb-34f7a81b14c6',
  'tweedlex'        => '8cb86072-3472-3b86-90f2-1e11b7188197',
  'spook'           => '8d5b923d-37fb-38d1-8a6a-a17cd5ccf768',