PHP code example of josantonius / hook

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download josantonius/hook library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


josantonius / hook example snippets

public function getPriority(): int;

public function getResult(): mixed;

public function isOnce(): bool;

public function wasDone(): bool;

public function __construct(private string $name);

 * Action will be maintained after performing actions and will be available if are done again.
 * @see
 * @return Action Added action.
public function addAction(callable $callback, int $priority = Priority::NORMAL): Action;

 * Action will only be done once and will be deleted after it is done.
 * It is recommended to use this method to release the actions
 * from memory if the hook actions will only be done once.
 * @return Action Added action.
public function addActionOnce(callable $callback, int $priority = Priority::NORMAL): Action;

 * @throws HookException if the actions have already been done.
 * @throws HookException if no actions were added for the hook.
 * @return Action[] Done actions.
public function doActions(mixed ...$arguments): array;

 * True if the hook has any action even if the action has been
 * done before (recurring actions created with addAction).
public function hasActions(): bool;

 * True if the hook has some action left undone.
public function hasUndoneActions(): bool;

 * If doActions was executed at least once.
public function hasDoneActions(): bool;

public function getName(): string;

public const HIGHEST = 50;
public const HIGH    = 100;
public const NORMAL  = 150;
public const LOW     = 200;
public const LOWEST  = 250;

use Josantonius\Hook\Exceptions\HookException;

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

$hook = new Hook('name');

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

class Foo {
    public static function bar() { /* do something */ }
    public static function baz() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');


use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;
use Josantonius\Hook\Priority;

class Foo {
    public static function bar() { /* do something */ }
    public static function baz() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');

$hook->addAction(Foo::bar(...), Priority::LOW);
$hook->addAction(Foo::baz(...), Priority::HIGH);

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

class Foo {
    public function bar() { /* do something */ }
    public function baz() { /* do something */ }

$foo  = new Foo();
$hook = new Hook('name');


use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;
use Josantonius\Hook\Priority;

class Foo {
    public function bar() { /* do something */ }
    public function baz() { /* do something */ }

$foo  = new Foo();
$hook = new Hook('name');

$hook->addActionOnce($foo->bar(...), Priority::LOW);
$hook->addActionOnce($foo->baz(...), Priority::HIGH);

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function one() { /* do something */ }
function two() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');


 * The actions will be executed according to their natural order:
 *  one(), two()...

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;
use Josantonius\Hook\Priority;

function a() { /* do something */ }
function b() { /* do something */ }
function c() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');

$hook->addAction(a(...), priority::LOW);
$hook->addAction(b(...), priority::NORMAL);
$hook->addAction(c(...), priority::HIGHEST);

 * Actions will be executed according to their priority:
 * c(), b(), a()...

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function foo($foo, $bar) { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');


$hook->doActions('foo', 'bar');

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function a() { /* do something */ }
function b() { /* do something */ }
function c() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');

$hook->addActionOnce(c(...)); // Will be done only once

$hook->doActions(); // a(), b(), c()

$hook->doActions(); // a(), b()

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function one() { /* do something */ }
function two() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');



// $hook->doActions(); Throw exception since there are no actions to be done

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function foo() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');


$hook->hasActions(); // true


$hook->hasActions(); // True since the action is recurrent and remains stored

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function foo() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');


$hook->hasUndoneActions(); // true


$hook->hasUndoneActions(); // False since there are no undone actions

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function foo() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');


$hook->hasDoneActions(); // false


$hook->hasDoneActions(); // True since the actions were done

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

$hook = new Hook('foo');

$name = $hook->getName(); // foo

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function foo() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');

$action = $hook->addAction(foo());


use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function foo() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');

$action = $hook->addAction(foo());


use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function foo() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');

$action = $hook->addAction(foo());

$action->isOnce(); // false

$action = $hook->addActionOnce(foo());

$action->isOnce(); // true

use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;

function foo() { /* do something */ }

$hook = new Hook('name');

$action = $hook->addAction(foo());

$action->wasDone(); // false


$action->wasDone(); // true