PHP code example of josantonius / cli-printer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download josantonius/cli-printer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


josantonius / cli-printer example snippets

 * @param array $messages The messages to be printed, in the format ['id' => 'message'].
public function __construct(protected array $messages = []);

 * Formatter: The $message and $params work in a similar way as the sprintf method:
 *            display('tag', 'The %s %d', ['message', 8]).
 * Messages:  If $messages was provided, the message can be replaced by the ID:
 *            display('tag', 'user.error').
 * Logger:    If used and the tag name of the message matches a level,
 *            it shall be used when adding the record. Otherwise use the debug level.
 * @param string $tagName Message tag name.
 * @param string $message The message or message ID.
 * @param array  $params  Additional context for format $message or/and passing it to the log.
public function display(string $tagName, string $message, array $params = []): self;

 * @param string $tagName   Message tag name.
 * @param string $arguments The first value is the message and the second the parameters.
public function __call(string $tagName, array $arguments): self;

 * @param Logger $logger Instance of the Logger class.
public function useLogger(Logger $logger): self;

 * @param int $times Number of new lines to print.
public function newLine(int $times = 1): self;

 * @param int $before Number of line breaks before a message.
 * @param int $after  Number of line breaks after a message.
public function setLineBreaks(int $before, int $after): self;

 * @param Color $color Default message tag color.
public function setDefaultTagColor(Color $color): self;

 * @param string $tagName  Message tag name.
 * @param Color  $tagColor Message tag color.
public function setTagColor(string $tagName, Color $tagColor): self;

enum Color: int
    case BLACK  = 40;
    case RED    = 41;
    case GREEN  = 42;
    case YELLOW = 43;
    case BLUE   = 44;
    case PURPLE = 45;
    case CYAN   = 46;
    case WHITE  = 47;

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter();

$printer->display('alert', 'An alert message.');
$printer->display('error', 'An error message.');

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter();

$printer->display('', 'A message without a tag.');

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter([
    'user.created' => 'User created.',
    'user.changed' => 'User changed.',

$printer->display('create', 'user.created');
$printer->display('change', 'user.changed');

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter([
    'msg.notice' => 'A %s message.',

$printer->display('notice', 'msg.notice', ['notice']);

$printer->display('detail', 'A %s message.', ['detail']);

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter();

$printer->setLineBreaks(before: 1, after: 0);

$printer->display('alert', 'Alert message.');
$printer->display('error', 'Error message.');

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter();

$printer->setLineBreaks(before: 2, after: 1);

$printer->display('alert', 'Alert message.');
$printer->display('error', 'Error message.');

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter();

$printer->display('request', 'Message.');

$printer->display('response', 'Message.');
$printer->newLine(times: 3);

$printer->display('warning', 'Message.');

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\Color;
use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter();


$printer->display('alert', 'An alert message.');
$printer->display('error', 'An error message.');

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\Color;
use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter();

$printer->setTagColor('info',      Color::BLUE)
        ->setTagColor('alert',     Color::BLACK)
        ->setTagColor('error',     Color::RED)
        ->setTagColor('debug',     Color::GREEN)
        ->setTagColor('notice',    Color::CYAN)
        ->setTagColor('warning',   Color::YELLOW)
        ->setTagColor('critical',  Color::PURPLE)
        ->setTagColor('emergency', Color::WHITE);

$printer->display('info',      'A message.');
$printer->display('alert',     'A message.');
$printer->display('error',     'A message.');
$printer->display('debug',     'A message.');
$printer->display('notice',    'A message.');
$printer->display('warning',   'A message.');
$printer->display('critical',  'A message.');
$printer->display('emergency', 'A message.');

use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$printer = new CliPrinter();

$printer->request('A request message.');

$printer->response('A %s message.', ['response']);

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Josantonius\CliPrinter\CliPrinter;

$logger  = new Logger('LOG');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(__DIR__ . '/log.txt'));

$printer = new CliPrinter();

 * It will create a "notice" log.
 * [2023-01-13T19:50:47.954791+00:00] LOG.NOTICE: A notice message. {"foo":"bar"} []
$printer->display('notice', 'A notice message.', ['foo' => 'bar']);

 * It will create a "debug" log as there is no "create" level.
 * [2023-01-13T19:50:47.954319+00:00] LOG.DEBUG: A create message. ["create"] []
$printer->display('create', 'A %s message.', ['create']);