PHP code example of jordanbrauer / unit-converter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jordanbrauer/unit-converter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jordanbrauer / unit-converter example snippets

use UnitConverter\UnitConverter;

$converter = UnitConverter::default(); # simple calculator
$converter = UnitConverter::binary(); # binary calculator (BC math)

use UnitConverter\UnitConverter;

$converter = UnitConverter::createBuilder()

$converter->convert(1)->from("in")->to("cm"); # (float) 2.54

$capturedSpeed = new MilePerHour(59);

$isOverSpeedLimit = function (SpeedUnit $speed) {
    return $speed->as(new KilometrePerHour) > 50;

if ($isOverSpeedLimit($capturedSpeed)) { # (bool) true

$converter->convert(1)->from('in')->spellout('cm');       # (string) two point five four
$converter->convert(1)->from('in')->spellout('cm', 'fr'); # (string) deux virgule cinq quatre