PHP code example of jooyeshgar / moadian

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jooyeshgar/moadian library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jooyeshgar / moadian example snippets

use Jooyeshgar\Moadian\Facades\Moadian;

// Get server info
$info = Moadian::getServerInfo();

// Get fiscal info
$fiscalInfo = Moadian::getFiscalInfo();

// Get economic code information
$info = Moadian::getEconomicCodeInformation('10840096498');

// Inquiry by reference numbers
$info = Moadian::inquiryByReferenceNumbers('a45aa663-6888-4025-a89d-86fc789672a0');

use Jooyeshgar\Moadian\Invoice as MoadianInvoice;
use Jooyeshgar\Moadian\InvoiceHeader;
use Jooyeshgar\Moadian\InvoiceItem;
use Jooyeshgar\Moadian\Payment;

public function sendInvoice($invoiceId = '') {
    $invoiceId = intval($invoiceId);
    $invoice = Invoice::find($invoiceId);

    if (!$invoice) {
        throw new Exception('Invoice not found');

    $timestamp = Carbon::parse($invoice->date)->timestamp * 1000;

    $header = new InvoiceHeader(env('MOADIAN_USERNAME'));
    $header->setTaxID(Carbon::parse($invoice->date), $invoice->number);
    $header->indati2m = $timestamp;
    $header->indatim = $timestamp;
    $header->inty = 1; //invoice type
    $header->inno = $invoiceId;
    $header->irtaxid = null; // invoice reference tax ID
    $header->inp = $invoice->inp; //invoice pattern
    $header->ins = 1;
    $header->tins = env('TAXID');
    $header->tob = 2;
    $header->bid = $invoice->nationalnum;
    $header->tinb = $invoice->nationalnum;
    $header->bpc = $invoice->postal;

    $amount   = $invoice->items->sum('amount');
    $discount = $invoice->items->sum('discount');
    $vat      = $invoice->items->sum('vat');
    $header->tprdis = $amount;
    $header->tdis = $discount;
    $header->tadis = $amount - $discount;
    $header->tvam = $vat;
    $header->todam = 0;
    $header->tbill = $amount - $discount + $vat;
    $header->setm = $invoice->setm;
    $header->cap = $amount - $discount + $vat;

    $moadianInvoice = new MoadianInvoice($header);

    foreach ($invoice->items as $item) {
        $body = new InvoiceItem();
        $body->sstid = $item->seals->sstid;
        $body->sstt = $item->desc;
        $body->am = '1';
        $body->mu = 1627;
        $body->fee = $item->amount;
        $body->prdis = $item->amount;
        $body->dis = $item->discount;
        $body->adis = $item->amount - $item->discount;
        $body->vra = 9;
        $body->vam = $item->vat; // or directly calculate here like floor($body->adis * $body->vra / 100)
        $body->tsstam = $item->amount - $item->discount + $item->vat;

    foreach ($invoice->cashes as $cashe) {
        if ($cashe->active == 1) {
            $payment = new Payment();
            $payment->trn = $cashe->code;
            $payment->pdt = Carbon::parse($cashe->date)->timestamp * 1000;

    $info = Moadian::sendInvoice($moadianInvoice);
    $info = $info->getBody();
    $info = $info['result'][0];

    $invoice->taxID           = $header->taxid;
    $invoice->uid             = $info['uid'] ?? '';
    $invoice->referenceNumber = $info['referenceNumber'] ?? '';
    $invoice->taxResult       = 'send';
