PHP code example of joomla / input

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download joomla/input library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


joomla / input example snippets

use Joomla\Filter\InputFilter;
use Joomla\Input;

// Default construction (data comes from $_REQUEST).
$input = new Input\Input;

// Construction with data injection.
$input = new Input\Input(array('foo' => 'bar'));

// Construction with a custom filter.
$filter = new InputFilter(/* custom settings */);
$input = new Input\Input(null, $filter);

use Joomla\Input;

$input = new Input\Input;

// Get the "foo" variable from the request.
$foo = $input->get('foo');

// If the variable is not available, use a default.
$foo = $input->get('foo', 'bar');

// Apply a custom filter to the variable, in this case, get the raw value.
$foo = $input->get('body', null, 'raw');

// Explicitly set an input value.
$input->set('hidemainmenu', true);

// Get the request method used (assuming a web application example), returned in upper case.
if ($input->getMethod() == 'POST')
	// Do something.

use Joomla\Input;

$input = new Input\Input;

// Apply the "INT" filter type.
$id = $input->getInt('id');

// Apply the "WORD" filter type.
$folder = $input->getWord('folder', 'images');

// Apply the "USERNAME" filter.
$ntLogin = $input->getUsername('login');

// Using an unknown filter. It works, but is treated the same as getString.
$foo = $input->getFoo('foo');

use Joomla\Input;

$input = new Input\Input;

// Get the $_POST superglobal.
$post = $input->post;

// Access a server setting as if it's a Input\Input object.
if ($input->server->get('SERVER_ADDR'))
	// Do something with the IP address.

// Access an ENV variable.
$host = $input->env->get('HOSTNAME');

use Joomla\Input;

// By default, a new Input\Files will inspect $_FILES.
$input = new Input\Files;
$files = $input->get('attachments');

echo 'Inspecting $_FILES:';

echo 'Inspecting $files:';

$mockInput = $this->getMockBuilder('Joomla\Input\Input')->getMock();