PHP code example of jonassiewertsen / statamic-livewire

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jonassiewertsen/statamic-livewire library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jonassiewertsen / statamic-livewire example snippets

'replacers' => [

namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;

class Counter extends Component
    public function render()
        return view('livewire.counter');

use Livewire\Component;

class ShowContact extends Component
    public $name;
    public $email;

    public function mount($contact)
        $this->name = $contact->name;
        $this->email = $contact->email;


class ShowArticles extends Component
    use \Jonassiewertsen\Livewire\RestoreCurrentSite;

    protected function entries()
        return Entry::query()
            ->where('collection', 'articles')
            ->where('site', Site::current())

    public function render()
        return view('', $this->entries());

use Jonassiewertsen\Livewire\WithPagination;

class ShowArticles extends Component
    use WithPagination;

    protected function entries()
        $entries = Entry::query()
            ->where('collection', 'articles')

        return $this->withPagination('entries', $entries);

    public function render()
        return view('', $this->entries());

namespace App\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;
use Statamic\Entries\EntryCollection;
use Statamic\Entries\Entry;

class Foo extends Component
    public EntryCollection $entries;
    public Entry $entry;

    // normal livewire stuff
if (window.livewireScriptConfig?.csrf === 'STATAMIC_CSRF_TOKEN') {
    document.addEventListener('statamic:nocache.replaced', () => Livewire.start());
} else {