PHP code example of jolicode / jolitypo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jolicode/jolitypo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jolicode / jolitypo example snippets

use JoliTypo\Fixer;

$fixer = new Fixer(['Ellipsis', 'Dash', 'SmartQuotes', 'CurlyQuote', 'Hyphen']);
$fixedContent = $fixer->fix('<p>"Tell me Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you\'re unable to speak?" -- Agent Smith, <em>Matrix</em>.</p>');

use JoliTypo\Fixer;

$fixer = new Fixer(["SmartQuotes", "FrenchNoBreakSpace"]);
$fixedContent = $fixer->fix('<p>Je suis "très content" de t\'avoir invité sur <a href=""></a> !</p>');

use JoliTypo\Fixer;

$fixer = new Fixer(["Trademark", "SmartQuotes"]);
$fixedContent = $fixer->fixString('Here is a "protip(c)"!'); // Here is a “protip©”!

$fixer = new Fixer(['Ellipsis', 'Dimension', 'Unit', 'Dash', 'SmartQuotes', 'NoSpaceBeforeComma', 'CurlyQuote', 'Hyphen', 'Trademark']);

$fixer = new Fixer(['Ellipsis', 'Dimension', 'Unit', 'Dash', 'SmartQuotes', 'FrenchNoBreakSpace', 'NoSpaceBeforeComma', 'CurlyQuote', 'Hyphen', 'Trademark']);

$fixer = new Fixer(['Ellipsis', 'Dimension', 'Unit', 'Dash', 'SmartQuotes', 'NoSpaceBeforeComma', 'CurlyQuote', 'Hyphen', 'Trademark']);

$fixer = new Fixer(['Ellipsis', 'Dimension', 'Unit', 'Dash', 'SmartQuotes', 'NoSpaceBeforeComma', 'CurlyQuote', 'Hyphen', 'Trademark']  );

$fixer        = new Fixer(['Ellipsis', 'Dimension', 'Dash', 'SmartQuotes', 'CurlyQuote', 'Hyphen']);
$fixedContent = $fixer->fix("<p>Some user contributed HTML which does not use proper glyphs.</p>");

$fixedContent = $fixer->fix("<p>I'm only replacing single quotes.</p>");

$fixer->setLocale('en_GB'); // I tell which locale to use for Hyphenation and SmartQuotes
$fixedContent = $fixer->fix("<p>Very long words like Antidisestablishmentarianism.</p>");

// by FQN
$fixer        = new Fixer(['Ellipsis', 'Acme\\YourOwn\\TypoFixer']);
$fixedContent = $fixer->fix("<p>Content fixed by the 2 fixers.</p>");

// or instances, or both
$fixer        = new Fixer(['Ellipsis', 'Acme\\YourOwn\\TypoFixer', new Acme\\YourOwn\\PonyFixer("Some parameter")]);
$fixedContent = $fixer->fix("<p>Content fixed by the 3 fixers.</p>");

$fixer        = new Fixer(['Ellipsis']);
$fixer->setProtectedTags(['pre', 'a']);
$fixedContent = $fixer->fix("<p>Fixed...</p> <pre>Not fixed...</pre> <p>Fixed... <a>Not Fixed...</a>.</p>");