PHP code example of johnxu / map

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download johnxu/map library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


johnxu / map example snippets

// 百度地址解析
use johnxu\map\Exception\InvalidConfigException as InvalidConfigExceptionAlias;
use johnxu\map\Exception\InvalidGatewayException as InvalidGatewayExceptionAlias;
use johnxu\map\Map;

$config = [
    'amap_key'  => '',
    'baidu_key' => 'f2P4pO8SvOV0ek4O3IkW1GrvF3WHQaDa',
    'qq_key'    => '',
$params = [
    'address' => '高新区',
try {
    $result = Map::getInstance($config)->geocoder('baidu')->geo($params);


    // $result['result']['location']['lng'];  // 获取经度
    // $result['result']['location']['lat'];  // 获取纬度

} catch (InvalidConfigExceptionAlias $e) {
    echo "配置文件错误:".$e->getMessage();
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    echo "参数错误:".$e->getMessage();
} catch (InvalidGatewayExceptionAlias $e) {
    echo "网关或接口返回错误:".$e->getMessage();

// 百度逆向地址解析
use johnxu\map\Exception\InvalidConfigException as InvalidConfigExceptionAlias;
use johnxu\map\Exception\InvalidGatewayException as InvalidGatewayExceptionAlias;
use johnxu\map\Map;

$config = [
    'amap_key'  => '',
    'baidu_key' => 'f2P4pO8SvOV0ek4O3IkW1GrvF3WHQaDa',
    'qq_key'    => '',
$params = [
    'location' => '38.863128016469,'.'121.53235931222',
try {
    $result = Map::getInstance($config)->geocoder('baidu')->reGeo($params);


    // $result['result']['formatted_address']; // 具体地址
    // $result['result']['addressComponent']['country']; // 国家
    // $result['result']['addressComponent']['province']; // 省
    // $result['result']['addressComponent']['city']; // 市
    // $result['result']['addressComponent']['district']; // 区
    // $result['result']['addressComponent']['town']; // 小镇
    // $result['result']['addressComponent']['street']; // 街道
    // $result['result']['addressComponent']['street_number']; // 街道号

} catch (InvalidConfigExceptionAlias $e) {
    echo "配置文件错误:".$e->getMessage();
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    echo "参数错误:".$e->getMessage();
} catch (InvalidGatewayExceptionAlias $e) {
    echo "网关或接口返回错误:".$e->getMessage();