PHP code example of joetannenbaum / chewie

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download joetannenbaum/chewie library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


joetannenbaum / chewie example snippets

use App\Renderers\DemoRenderer;
use Chewie\Concerns\RegistersRenderers;

class Demo extends Prompt
    use RegistersRenderers;

    public function __construct()

use Chewie\Renderer;

class AppServiceProvider
    public function boot()

use Chewie\Concerns\RegistersRenderers;

class Demo extends Prompt
    use RegistersRenderers;

    public function __construct()
        // Will register App\Renderers\DemoRenderer

use Chewie\Concerns\DrawsArt;

class DemoRenderer extends Renderer
    use DrawsArt;

    public function __invoke(Demo $prompt): string
        // Returns a collection of the lines from your art,
        // assumes a ".txt" extension

        return $this;

use Chewie\Art;

class AppServiceProvider
    public function boot()

use Chewie\Concerns\DrawsArt;

class DemoRenderer extends Renderer
    use DrawsArt;

    public function __invoke(Demo $prompt): string

        return $this;

use Chewie\Concerns\Aligns;

class DemoRenderer extends Renderer
    use Aligns;

    public function __invoke(Demo $prompt): string
        $width = $prompt->terminal()->cols();
        $height = $prompt->terminal()->lines();

        $lines = [
            'My name is Joe',

        $this->centerHorizontally($lines, $width)

        $this->centerVertically($lines, $height)

        $this->center($lines, $width, $height)

        $this->line($this->spaceBetween($width, ...$lines));

        $this->pinToBottom($height, function() {
            $this->line('This is pinned to the bottom!');

        return $this;