PHP code example of jobjen / bol-retailer-php-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jobjen/bol-retailer-php-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jobjen / bol-retailer-php-client example snippets

$client = new \Jobjen\BolRetailerV10\Client();
$client->authenticateByClientCredentials('your-client-id', 'your-client-secret');

$reducedOrders = $client->getOrders();

foreach ($reducedOrders as $reducedOrder) {
    echo 'hello, I am order ' . $reducedOrder->orderId . PHP_EOL;

$accessToken = ... // your implementation of getting the access token from the storage

$client = new \Jobjen\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$client->setAccessTokenExpiredCallback(function(\Jobjen\BolRetailerV10\Client $client) {
  // Called at the beginning of a request to the Retailer API when the access token was expired (or
  // non-existent) and after a request that resulted in an error about an expired access token.
  // Authenticate and fetch the new access token
  $client->authenticateByClientCredentials('{your-client-id}', '{your-client-secret}');
  $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
  ... // store $accessToken for future use

$client = new \Jobjen\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$refreshToken = $client->authenticateByAuthorizationCode(
$accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
... // store $accessToken and $refreshToken for future use

$orders = $client->getOrders();

$client = new \Jobjen\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$accessToken = ... // your implementation of getting the access token from the storage

$orders = $client->getOrders();

$client = new \Jobjen\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$accessToken = ... // your implementation of getting the access token from the storage
$client->setAccessTokenExpiredCallback(function(\Jobjen\BolRetailerV10\Client $client) {
  // Called at the beginning of a request to the Retailer API when the access token was expired or
  // non-existent and after a request that resulted in an error about an expired access token.
  // This callback can attempt to refresh the access token. If after this callback the Client has
  // a valid access token, the request will continue or retried once. Otherwise, it will be
  // aborted with an Exception.
  $refreshToken = ... // your implementation of getting the refresh token from the storage
  $client->authenticateByRefreshToken('{your-client-id}', '{your-client-secret}', $refreshToken);
  $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
  ... // store $accessToken for future use

$orders = $client->getOrders();

$client = new \Jobjen\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$accessToken = ... // your implementation of getting the access token from the storage

$client->setAccessTokenExpiredCallback(function(\Jobjen\BolRetailerV10\Client $client) use ($mutex) {
  // Called at the beginning of a request to the Retailer API when the access token was expired or
  // non-existent and after a request that resulted in an error about an expired access token.
  // Ensure only 1 process can be in the critical section, others are blocked and one is let in
  // when that process leaves the critical section
  $mutex->withLock(function () use ($client) {
    // your implementation of getting the latest access token from the storage (it might be
    // refreshed by another process)
    $accessToken = ... 
    if (! $accessToken->isExpired()) {
      // No need to refresh the token, as it was already refreshed by another proces. Make sure the
      // client uses it.
    $refreshToken = ... // your implementation of getting the refresh token from the storage
    $newRefreshToken = $client->authenticateByRefreshToken(
    $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
    ... // store $accessToken and $newRefreshToken for future use

$orders = $client->getOrders();
