PHP code example of jlkaufman / cakephp-paypal-rest-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jlkaufman/cakephp-paypal-rest-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jlkaufman / cakephp-paypal-rest-client example snippets

// Paypal
	public $Paypal = array(
		'datasource'     => 'PaypalSource.PaypalSource',
		'environment'    => 'sandbox', // Production: 'production'   SandBox: 'sandbox'
		'username'       => '',
		'password'       => '',
		'receiver_email' => ''

$data = array(
	'credit_card' => array(
		"number"       => "4417119669820331",
		"type"         => "visa",
		"expire_month" => 1,
		"expire_year"  => 2018,
		"cvv2"         => "874",
		"first_name"   => "Joe",
		"last_name"    => "Shopper"
	'billing_address' => array(
		"line1"        => "52 N Main ST",
		"line2"        => "Apt. 211",
		"city"         => "Johnstown",
		"country_code" => "CA",
		"postal_code"  => "H0H 0H0",
		"state"        => "Quebec"
	'transaction' => array(
		"amount" => array(
			"total"    => "7.47",
			"currency" => "USD",
			"details"  => array(
				"subtotal" => "7.41",
				"tax"      => "0.03",
				"shipping" => "0.03"
		"description" => "This is the payment transaction description."

$response = $this->Paypal->creditCardPayment($data, $type);

$data = array(
	'credit_card_token' => array(
		"credit_card_id" => "CARD-7VH15004HC811510SKEGDHDI"
	'transaction' => array(
		"amount" => array(
			"total"    => "7.47",
			"currency" => "USD",
			"details"  => array(
				"subtotal" => "7.41",
				"tax"      => "0.03",
				"shipping" => "0.03"
		"description" => "This is the payment transaction description."

$response = $this->Paypal->creditCardPayment($data, $type);             

$capture_data = array(
	'authorization_id' => '10V50318J8770814T',
	'currency'         => 'USD',
	'total'            => '7.47',
	'is_final_capture' => true

$response = $this->Paypal->captureAuthorization($data);

$data = array(
	'authorization_id' => '2073151243457584H'

$response = $this->Paypal->voidAuthorization($data);

$data = array(
	'payment_id' => '3XX41928KR179661L',
	'currency'   => 'USD',
	'total'      => '7.47'

$response = $this->Paypal->refundPayment($data);