PHP code example of jkuchar / filedownloader

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jkuchar/filedownloader library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jkuchar / filedownloader example snippets

use FileDownloader\FileDownload;

$filedownload = new FileDownload;
$filedownload->sourceFile = "source.txt";

// or the same thing using fluent-interface

$filedownload = new FileDownload();
$filedownload->sourceFile = "source.txt";

// apply speed limit (in this case in bytes per second)
$filedownload->speedLimit = 5 * FDTools::BYTE;

// set filename that will be seen by user
$filedownload->transferFileName = "test.txt";

// set mime-type manually (you normally do not need to so this!)
$filedownload->mimeType = "application/pdf";

// show this file directly in browser (do not download it)
$filedownload->contentDisposition =	FileDownload::CONTENT_DISPOSITION_INLINE;


	// Nastavíme rychlost odesílání v bytech

$filedownload->onAbort[] = "onAbortHandlerFunction"; // here is everything callable accepted

// fluent-interface

// Callback parameters are always the same
function onAbort(FileDownload $download,IDownloader $downloader){
	/* ... */