PHP code example of jklztest_alfallouji / dhl_api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jklztest_alfallouji/dhl_api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jklztest_alfallouji / dhl_api example snippets

    "allouji/dhl_api": "*"

return array(
	'dhl' => array(
		'id' => 'Your_DHL_ID',
		'pass' => 'Your_DHL_Password',
		'shipperAccountNumber' => 'Your_Number',
		'billingAccountNumber' => 'Your_Number',
		'dutyAccountNumber' => 'Your_Number',

use DHL\Entity\GB\ShipmentResponse;
use DHL\Entity\GB\ShipmentRequest;
use DHL\Client\Web as WebserviceClient;
use DHL\Datatype\GB\Piece;
use DHL\Datatype\GB\SpecialService;

// You may use your own init script, as long as it takes care of autoloading

// Set values of the request
$sample->MessageTime = '2001-12-17T09:30:47-05:00';
$sample->MessageReference = '1234567890123456789012345678901';
$sample->RegionCode = 'AM';
$sample->RequestedPickupTime = 'Y';
$sample->NewShipper = 'Y';
$sample->LanguageCode = 'en';
$sample->PiecesEnabled = 'Y';
$sample->Billing->ShipperAccountNumber = $dhl['shipperAccountNumber'];
$sample->Billing->ShippingPaymentType = 'S';
$sample->Billing->BillingAccountNumber = $dhl['billingAccountNumber'];
$sample->Billing->DutyPaymentType = 'S';
$sample->Billing->DutyAccountNumber = $dhl['dutyAccountNumber'];
$sample->Consignee->CompanyName = 'Ssense';
$sample->Consignee->addAddressLine('333 Chabanel West, #900');
$sample->Consignee->City = 'Montreal';
$sample->Consignee->PostalCode = 'H3E1G6';
$sample->Consignee->CountryCode = 'CA';
$sample->Consignee->CountryName = 'Canada';
$sample->Consignee->Contact->PersonName = 'Bashar Al-Fallouji';
$sample->Consignee->Contact->PhoneNumber = '0435 336 653';
$sample->Consignee->Contact->PhoneExtension = '123';
$sample->Consignee->Contact->FaxNumber = '506-851-7403';
$sample->Consignee->Contact->Telex = '506-851-7121';
$sample->Consignee->Contact->Email = '[email protected]';
$sample->Commodity->CommodityCode = 'cc';
$sample->Commodity->CommodityName = 'cn';
$sample->Dutiable->DeclaredValue = '200.00';
$sample->Dutiable->DeclaredCurrency = 'USD';
$sample->Dutiable->ScheduleB = '3002905110';
$sample->Dutiable->ExportLicense = 'D123456';
$sample->Dutiable->ShipperEIN = '112233445566';
$sample->Dutiable->ShipperIDType = 'S';
$sample->Dutiable->ImportLicense = 'ALFAL';
$sample->Dutiable->ConsigneeEIN = 'ConEIN2123';
$sample->Dutiable->TermsOfTrade = 'DTP';
$sample->Reference->ReferenceID = 'AM international shipment';
$sample->Reference->ReferenceType = 'St';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->NumberOfPieces = 2;

$piece = new Piece();
$piece->PieceID = '1';
$piece->PackageType = 'EE';
$piece->Weight = '5.0';
$piece->DimWeight = '600.0';
$piece->Width = '50';
$piece->Height = '100';
$piece->Depth = '150';

$piece = new Piece();
$piece->PieceID = '2';
$piece->PackageType = 'EE';
$piece->Weight = '5.0';
$piece->DimWeight = '600.0';
$piece->Width = '50';
$piece->Height = '100';
$piece->Depth = '150';

$sample->ShipmentDetails->Weight = '10.0';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->WeightUnit = 'L';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->GlobalProductCode = 'P';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->LocalProductCode = 'P';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->Date = date('Y-m-d');
$sample->ShipmentDetails->Contents = 'AM international shipment contents';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->DoorTo = 'DD';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->DimensionUnit = 'I';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->InsuredAmount = '1200.00';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->PackageType = 'EE';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->IsDutiable = 'Y';
$sample->ShipmentDetails->CurrencyCode = 'USD';
$sample->Shipper->ShipperID = '751008818';
$sample->Shipper->CompanyName = 'IBM Corporation';
$sample->Shipper->RegisteredAccount = '751008818';
$sample->Shipper->addAddressLine('1 New Orchard Road');
$sample->Shipper->City = 'New York';
$sample->Shipper->Division = 'ny';
$sample->Shipper->DivisionCode = 'ny';
$sample->Shipper->PostalCode = '10504';
$sample->Shipper->CountryCode = 'US';
$sample->Shipper->CountryName = 'United States Of America';
$sample->Shipper->Contact->PersonName = 'Mr peter';
$sample->Shipper->Contact->PhoneNumber = '1 905 8613402';
$sample->Shipper->Contact->PhoneExtension = '3403';
$sample->Shipper->Contact->FaxNumber = '1 905 8613411';
$sample->Shipper->Contact->Telex = '1245';
$sample->Shipper->Contact->Email = '[email protected]';

$specialService = new SpecialService();
$specialService->SpecialServiceType = 'A';

$specialService = new SpecialService();
$specialService->SpecialServiceType = 'I';

$sample->EProcShip = 'N';
$sample->LabelImageFormat = 'PDF';

$start = microtime(true);

// Display the XML that will be sent to DHL
echo $sample->toXML();

// DHL webservice client using the staging environment
$client = new WebserviceClient('staging');

// Call the DHL service and display the XML result
echo $client->call($sample);
echo PHP_EOL . 'Executed in ' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ' seconds.' . PHP_EOL;

// We already built our DHL request object, we can call DHL XML API
$client = new WebserviceClient('staging');
$xml = $client->call($request);
$response = new ShipmentResponse();

// Store it as a . PDF file in the filesystem
file_put_contents('dhl-label.pdf', base64_decode($response->LabelImage->OutputImage));

// If you want to display it in the browser
$data = base64_decode($response->LabelImage->OutputImage);
if ($data)
    header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
    header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($data));
    echo $data;

use DHL\Entity\AM\GetQuote;
use DHL\Datatype\AM\PieceType;
use DHL\Client\Web as WebserviceClient;

$sample->SiteID = $dhl['id'];
$sample->Password = $dhl['pass'];

// Set values of the request
$sample->MessageTime = '2001-12-17T09:30:47-05:00';
$sample->MessageReference = '1234567890123456789012345678901';
$sample->BkgDetails->Date = date('Y-m-d');

$piece = new PieceType();
$piece->PieceID = 1;
$piece->Height = 10;
$piece->Depth = 5;
$piece->Width = 10;
$piece->Weight = 10;
$sample->BkgDetails->IsDutiable = 'Y';
$sample->BkgDetails->QtdShp->QtdShpExChrg->SpecialServiceType = 'WY';
$sample->BkgDetails->ReadyTime = 'PT10H21M';
$sample->BkgDetails->ReadyTimeGMTOffset = '+01:00';
$sample->BkgDetails->DimensionUnit = 'CM';
$sample->BkgDetails->WeightUnit = 'KG';
$sample->BkgDetails->PaymentCountryCode = 'CA';
$sample->BkgDetails->IsDutiable = 'Y';

// Request Paperless trade
$sample->BkgDetails->QtdShp->QtdShpExChrg->SpecialServiceType = 'WY';

$sample->From->CountryCode = 'CA';
$sample->From->Postalcode = 'H3E1B6';
$sample->From->City = 'Montreal';

$sample->To->CountryCode = 'CH';
$sample->To->Postalcode = '1226';
$sample->To->City = 'Thonex';
$sample->Dutiable->DeclaredValue = '100.00';
$sample->Dutiable->DeclaredCurrency = 'CHF';

$start = microtime(true);
echo $sample->toXML();
$client = new WebserviceClient('staging');
$xml = $client->call($sample);
echo PHP_EOL . 'Executed in ' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ' seconds.' . PHP_EOL;
echo $xml . PHP_EOL;