PHP code example of jiripudil / otp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jiripudil/otp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jiripudil / otp example snippets

$otp = new JiriPudil\OTP\OTP('My Application', $otpType);

$otpType = new JiriPudil\OTP\TimeBasedOTP();

$otpType = new JiriPudil\OTP\HmacBasedOTP($myCounterRepository);

$secret = $otp->generateSecret();

$myUserRepository->encryptAndSaveOtpSecret($myUser, $secret);

$account = new SimpleAccountDescriptor($myUser->getEmailAddress(), $myUser->getOtpSecret());

$uri = $otp->getProvisioningUri($account, digits: 6);

$encodedSecret = $account->getSecret()->asBase32();

if ($otp->verify($account, $enteredCode, expectedDigits: 6)) {
	// successfully verified
} else {
	// incorrect code

$code = $otp->generate($account, digits: 6);