PHP code example of jgswift / xral

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jgswift/xral library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jgswift / xral example snippets

$query = new XML\Simple();

      ->where('authors/author','Stephen King');

$result = $query();

var_dump($result); // qinq\Collection [ SimpleXMLElement, SimpleXMLElement, ... ]

$file = new qio\File('library.xml');

$query = new XML\Simple();

// set the author of a specific book
      ->set('author','Stephen King')
      ->where('name','The Langoliers');


$file = new qio\File('library.xml');

$query = new XML\Simple();
      ->insert(['book' => [
          'name' => 'The Catcher In The Rye',
          'authors' => [
              'author' => 'J. D. Salinger'
          'ISBN' => '0316769533 9780316769532',
          'publisher' => 'Amazon',
          'pages' => 277


$file = new qio\File('library.xml');

$query = new XML\Simple();

      ->where('name','The Catcher In The Rye');


$query = new XML\DOM();

      ->where('authors/author','Stephen King');

$result = $query();

var_dump($result); // qinq\Collection [ DOMElement, DOMElement, ... ]

$file = new qio\File('library.xml');

$query = new XML\DOM();

      ->set('author','Stephen King')
      ->where('name','The Langoliers');


$file = new qio\File('library.xml');

$query = new XML\DOM();
      ->insert(['book' => [
          'name' => 'The Catcher In The Rye',
          'authors' => [
              'author' => 'J. D. Salinger'
          'ISBN' => '0316769533 9780316769532',
          'publisher' => 'Amazon',
          'pages' => 277


$file = new qio\File('library.xml');

      ->where('name','The Catcher In The Rye');


$query = new INI\Query();

$result = $query();

var_dump($result); // qinq\Collection [ array, array, ... ]

$file = new qio\File('config.ini');

$query = new INI\Query();

// update debug setting in general section to 1


$file = new qio\File('config.ini');

      ->insert('name','My Application');


$file = new qio\File('config.ini');

$query = new INI\Query();


$query = new YML\Query();


$result = $query();

var_dump($result); // qinq\Collection [ array, array, ... ]

$query = new YML\Query();



$query = new YML\Query();
          'sku' => 'BB5280R',
          'quantity' => 6,
          'description' => 'Baseball Glove',
          'price' => 50


$query = new YML\Query();



$query = new JSON\Query();

$query->select(function($person) {
            return $person['firstName'].' '.$person['lastName']
      ->where(function($person) {
            return ($person['money'] > 5000) ? true : false;

$result = $query();

var_dump($result); // qinq\Collection [ [ 'name' => 'john doe' ], [ 'name' => 'billy bob' ] ]

$file = new qio\File('people.json');

$query = new JSON\Query();

// change a persons firstname from 'billy' to 'bob'
      ->where(function($person) {
          return ($person['firstName'] == 'billy') ? true : false;


$file = new qio\File('people.json');

$query = new JSON\Query();
          'firstName' => 'jane',
          'lastName' => 'doe',
          'gender' => 'female',
          'money' => 50000


$file = new qio\File('people.json');

$query = new JSON\Query();

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