PHP code example of jetfirephp / routing

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jetfirephp/routing library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jetfirephp / routing example snippets

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\/]*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]

// Require composer autoloader
$collection = new \JetFire\Routing\RouteCollection();

// Define your routes
// ...

// Create an instance of Router
$router = new \JetFire\Routing\Router($collection)

// select your matcher
$matcher1 =  new \JetFire\Routing\Matcher\ArrayMatcher($router);
$matcher2 =  new \JetFire\Routing\Matcher\UriMatcher($router);

// set your matcher to the router

// Run it!

$options = [
    'view_dir' => '_VIEW_DIR_PATH_',
    'ctrl_namespace' => '_CONTROLLERS_NAMESPACE_'
$collection = new \JetFire\Routing\RouteCollection(null,$options);
// or
$collection = new \JetFire\Routing\RouteCollection();
// or
$collection = new \JetFire\Routing\RouteCollection();

$resolver = [

	// Define your template extension like this
	'templateExtension' => ['.php','.html','.twig','.json','.xml'],


class HomeController {
    public function user($firstName,$lastName){
        // $firstName = peter
        // $lastName = parker

$options = [
    'view_dir' => '_VIEW_DIR_PATH_',
    'ctrl_namespace' => '_CONTROLLERS_NAMESPACE_'

// addRoutes expect an array argument 
	'/home/index' => '_TARGET_'	

// or a file containing an array

// routes.php file
return [
	'/home/index' => '_TARGET_'

$resolver = [

return [
	// static route
	'/home/index' => 'Home/index.php',
	// dynamic route with arguments
	'/home/user-:id-:slug' => [
		'use' => 'Home/page.html',
		'arguments' => ['id' => '[0-9]+','slug' => '[a-z-]*'],


return [
	// static route
	'/home/index' => 'HomeController@index',

	// dynamic route with arguments
	'/home/user-:id-:slug' => [
		'use' => 'HomeController@page',
		'arguments' => ['id' => '[0-9]+','slug' => '[a-z-]*'],

return [
	// controller and template resolver
	// call first the controller and render then the template
	// if the template is not found, the controller is returned
	'/home/log' => [
	    'use' => 'HomeController@log',
	    'template' => 'Home/log.php', //in your controller you can return an array of data that you can access in your template
	// dynamic route with arguments
    '/home/user-:id-:slug' => [
        'use' => 'HomeController@page',
        'template' => 'Home/log.php',
        'arguments' => ['id' => '[0-9]+','slug' => '[a-z-]*'],


return [

	// suppose we have the following methods in the AccountController :
	// public function create();
	// public function read($id);
	// public function update($id);
	// public function destroy($id);
	// if the uri is /account/create the router will call the associated method in the controller
	'/account/*' => [
	    'use' => 'AccountController@{method}',


return [
	// static route
	'/home/index' => function(){
		return 'Hello world !';
	// dynamic route with arguments
	'/home/user-:id-:slug' => [
		'use' => function($id,$slug){
			return 'Hello User '.$id.'-'.$slug;
		'arguments' => ['id' => '[0-9]+','slug' => '[a-z-]*'],

return [
	// closure and template matching
    // call first the closure and render then the template
    '/home/log' => [
        'use' => function(){
            return ['name' => 'Peter'];
        'template' => 'Home/log.php', // in log.php you can access the return data like this : $name ='Peter'
    '/home/user-:id-:slug' => [
        'use' => function($id,$slug){
            return ['id' => $id,'slug' => $slug];
        'template' => 'Home/log.php',
        'arguments' => ['id' => '[0-9]+','slug' => '[a-z-]*'],

// Create RouteCollection instance
$collection = new \JetFire\Routing\RouteCollection();

// Block routes
$collection->addRoutes('admin_routes_path',['view_dir' => 'admin_view_path' , 'ctrl_namespace' => 'admin_controllers_namespace','prefix' => 'admin']);
$collection->addRoutes('public_routes_path',['view_dir' => 'public_view_path' , 'ctrl_namespace' => 'public_controllers_namespace']);

// Create an instance of Router
$router = new \JetFire\Routing\Router($collection)
// Select your matcher
$router->addRouter(new \JetFire\Routing\Matcher\ArrayMatcher($router));

// Run it!


	// You can add/remove extension for views
	// default extension for views
	'templateExtension'      => ['.html', '.php', '.json', '.xml'],

	// If you use template engine library, you can use this to render the view
	// See the 'Integration with other libraries' section for more details
	'templateCallback'       => [],
	// If you want to add a dependency injection container for your controllers constructor or method
	// for example if your controller 'HomeController' method 'log' method 

$options = [
    // your view directory
    'view_dir' => 'view_directory',
    // your controllers namespace
    'ctrl_namespace' => 'controllers_namespace',
    // your routes prefix
    'prefix' => 'your_prefix'

return [
	'/home/index' => [
		'use' => 'Home/index.html',
		'name' => 'home.index'

	'/home/user-:id-:slug' => [
		'use' => 'HomeController@user',
		'name' => 'home.user',
		'arguments' => ['id' => '[0-9]+','slug' => '[a-z-]*'],

// You have to enable generateRoutesPath to get routes url
	'generateRoutesPath' => true,
	// Other configuration
	// ...

// Reverse routing
$collection->getRoutePath('home.index'); // return http://your_domain/home/index
$collection->getRoutePath('home.user',[ 'id' => 1, 'slug' => 'toto']); // return http://your_domain/home/user-1-toto

return [
	'/api/users' => [
		'use' => [
		    'GET' => function($response){
		        $response->setHeaders(['Content-Type' => 'application/json']);
		        return ['name' => 'Peter'];
		    'POST' => function($response){
                $response->setHeaders(['Content-Type' => 'application/json']);
                return [];
		'name' => 'api.users',
		'method' => ['GET', 'POST'] 

	'/api/users/:id' => [
		'use' => [
		    'GET' => function($response){
                $response->setHeaders(['Content-Type' => 'application/json']);
                return ['name' => 'Peter'];
            'PUT' => function($response){
                $response->setHeaders(['Content-Type' => 'application/json']);
                return [];
		'name' => 'api.user',
		'arguments' => ['id' => '[0-9]+'],
		'method' => ['GET','PUT'] 

$collection->addRoutes('routes_file_1',['prefix' => 'prefix_1']); // all routes in routes_file_1 begin with prefix_1/
$collection->addRoutes('routes_file_2',['prefix' => 'prefix_2']); // all routes in routes_file_2 begin with prefix_2/


// Your middleware file
return [
	// global middleware are called every time
    'global_middleware' => [    
    	// Here you define your middleware class to be called

	// block middleware are called when the current route block match one of the following block
    'block_middleware' => [
    	// You define here for each block the middleware class to be called
        '/app/Blocks/PublicBlock/' => 'app\Middleware\Public',
        '/app/Blocks/AdminBlock/' => 'app\Middleware\Admin',
        '/app/Blocks/UserBlock/' => 'app\Middleware\User',
	// class middleware are called when the controller router match one of the following controller
    'class_middleware' => [
    	// You define here for each controller the middleware class to be called
        '/app/Blocks/PublicBlock/Controllers/HomeController' => 'app\Middleware\Home',

	// route middleware are called when the current route match one of the following middleware name
    'route_middleware' => [
    	// You define here a name to the middleware and assign the class to be called
    	// You have to specify this name to the route like this : `'middleware' => 'home'`
        'home' => 'app\Middleware\App'


$middleware = new Middleware($router);
$middleware->setCallbackAction('before', 'your_before_middleware_file');
$middleware->setCallbackAction('between', 'your_between_middleware_file');
$middleware->setCallbackAction('after', 'your_after_middleware_file');


namespace app\Middleware;

class Global{

	// Middleware class must implements handle method
	// object passed in argument will be inject automatically
	public function handle(){
		// here you put your code
		// ...

class MyCustomMatcher implements MatcherInterface{
    public function __construct(Router $router);

    // in this method you can check if the current uri match your expectation
    // return true or false
    // if it match you have to set your route target with an array of params and the dispatcher class name to be called
    // $this->setTarget(['dispatcher' => '\My\Custom\Dispatcher\Class\Name', 'other_params' => 'values']);
    public function match();
    // set your route target $this->router->route->setTarget($target);
    public function setTarget($target = []);

    // set your resolver
    public function setResolver($resolver = []);
    // you can add multiple resolver method in the same matcher
    public function addResolver($resolver);
    // to retrieve your resolver
    public function getResolver();
    // dispatcher yo be called
    public function setDispatcher($dispatcher = []);
    public function addDispatcher($dispatcher);

class MyCustomDispatcher implements DispatcherInterface{
    public function __construct(Router $router);
    // your target to call
    // you can get your route target information with $this->route->getTarget()
    public function call();


class MyCustomMatcher extends ArrayMatcher implements MatcherInterface{
    public function __construct(Router $router){
        // your custom match method

    public function customResolver(){
        // your code here
        // ...
        // then you set the route target with the dispatcher

class MyCustomDispatcher implements DispatcherInterface{
    public function __construct(Router $router);
    // your target to call
    // you can get your route target information with $this->route->getTarget()
    public function call();

// Twig template engine

// Other template engine
$tpl = new \Acme\Template\Template();

	'templateCallback' => [

		// if the router find a template with twig enxtension then it will call the twig template engine
		'twig' => function($route){				
			$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($route->getTarget('block'));
			$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, []);
			$template = $twig->loadTemplate($route->getTarget('template'));
			echo $template->render($route->getData());
		// for other template engine
		'tpl' => function($route) use ($tpl){

	// Other configuration
	// ...

return [
    '{subdomain}.{host}/home' => [
         'use' => 'AdminController@index',
         'name' => 'admin.home.index',
         'subdomain' => 'admin' // could be a regex for multiple subdomain

$options = [
    // ...
    'subdomain' => 'your_subdomain'

// JetFire\Routing\RouteCollection
	routesByName								// routes url by their name
	countRoutes									// count routes block
	addRoutes($collection,$options = [])		// set your routes
	getRoutes($key = null)						// return all routes
	getRoutePath($name,$params = []) 			// return the url of route	
	setPrefix($prefix)							// $prefix can be a string (applied for every collection) 
												// or an array (for each collection you can specify a prefix)
    setOption($options = [])                    // set your routes option												
	generateRoutesPath() 						// generate routes url by their name

// JetFire\Routing\Router
	response							        // JetFire\Routing\ResponseInterface instance
	route										// JetFire\Routing\Route instance
	collection									// JetFire\Routing\RouteCollection instance
	middlewareCollection					    // middleware collection
	matcher									    // list of matcher
	dispatcher									// the dispatcher instance
	setConfig($config) 							// router configuration
	getConfig() 								// get router configuration
	run() 										// run the router with the request url 

// JetFire\Routing\Route
	set($args = []) 							// set your route array parameters
	getUrl() 									// return the route url
	setUrl($url) 								// set the route url
	getName()			 						// return the route name
	setName($name) 								// set the route name
	getCallback()  								// return the route callback (template,controller or anonymous function)
	setCallback($callback) 						// set the route callback
	getMethod() 								// return the route method (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE)
	getDetail() 								// return the route detail 
	setDetail($detail) 							// set the route detail
	addDetail($key,$value)						// add a detail for the route
	getTarget($key = null) 						// return the route target (dispatcher,template or controller|action or function)
	setTarget($target = [])  					// set the route target
	hasTarget($key = null)						// check if the route has the following target
	getData() 								    // return data for the route
	__call($name,$arguments)  					// magic call to get or set route detail