PHP code example of jerray / qcloud-cos-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jerray/qcloud-cos-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jerray / qcloud-cos-php-sdk example snippets

$options = [
    'appId' => 'Your app id',
    'secretId' => 'Your secret id',
    'secretKey' => 'Your secret key',
$cos = new jerray\QCloudCos\QCloudCos($options);

$localFilePath = '/path/to/a/local/file';
$bucketName = 'bucket';
$cosFilePath = '/remote/file/path';
$bizAttr = 'File attributes';

try {
    $response = $cos->upload($localFilePath, $bucketName, $cosFilePath, $bizAttr);
    $code = $response->code;
    $fileUrl = $response->data->access_url;
} catch (jerray\QCloudCos\Exceptions\RequestException $e) {
    $response = $e->getBody();
    $httpMessage = $e->getMessage();
    $httpCode = $e->getCode();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // ...

// response为最后一片的响应,与完整上传结构相同
$response = $cos->uploadSlice($localFilePath, $bucketName, $cosFilePath, $bizAttr);

$response = $cos->queryFile($bucketName, $cosFilePath);

$response = $cos->updateFile($bucketName, $cosFilePath, $bizAttr);

$response = $cos->deleteFile($bucketName, $cosFilePath);

$response = $cos->createFolder($bucketName, 'test/');

$limit = 20; // 每页列表数量
$pattern = 'both'; // 显示所有文件和目录 file - 只显示文件;foler - 只显示目录

// direction参数需要配合context参数使用
// context为空时始终取第一页,第一页返回的数据中会含有context参数
// 将此context值传入再次调用,即取到第二页
// direction用来控制翻页方向,next下一页,prev前一页
$context = '';
$direction = 'next';

// 取到第一页 返回当前context为第一页
$response = $cos->listFolder($bucketName, 'test/', $limit, $pattern, $context, $direction);

// next 向后翻页,取到第二页,返回当前context为第二页
$response = $cos->listFolder($bucketName, 'test/', $limit, $pattern, $response->data->context, 'next');

// prev 向前翻页,取到第一页,返回当前context为第一页
$response = $cos->listFolder($bucketName, 'test/', $limit, $pattern, $response->data->context, 'prev');

$response = $cos->updateFolder($bucketName, 'test/');

$response = $cos->queryFolder($bucketName, 'test/');

$response = $cos->deleteFolder($bucketName, 'test/');
