PHP code example of jeremykenedy / laravel-roles

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jeremykenedy/laravel-roles library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jeremykenedy / laravel-roles example snippets

'providers' => [


     * Third Party Service Providers...


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Traits\HasRoleAndPermission;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Notifiable;
    use HasRoleAndPermission;

    // rest of your model ...

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Database\Seeders\PermissionsTableSeeder;
use Database\Seeders\RolesTableSeeder;
use Database\Seeders\ConnectRelationshipsSeeder;

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()



$adminRole = config('roles.models.role')::create([
    'name' => 'Admin',
    'slug' => 'admin',
    'description' => '',
    'level' => 5,

$moderatorRole = config('roles.models.role')::create([
    'name' => 'Forum Moderator',
    'slug' => 'forum.moderator',

$user = config('roles.models.defaultUser')::find($id);

$user->attachRole($adminRole); // you can pass whole object, or just an id
$user->detachRole($adminRole); // in case you want to detach role
$user->detachAllRoles(); // in case you want to detach all roles
$user->syncRoles($roles); // you can pass Eloquent collection, or just an array of ids

    protected function create(array $data)
        $user = config('roles.models.defaultUser')::create([
            'name' => $data['name'],
            'email' => $data['email'],
            'password' => bcrypt($data['password']),

        $role = config('roles.models.role')::where('name', '=', 'User')->first();  //choose the default role upon user creation.

        return $user;


if ($user->hasRole('admin')) { // you can pass an id or slug

if ($user->isAdmin()) {

if ($user->hasRole(['admin', 'moderator'])) {
    | Or alternatively:
    | $user->hasRole('admin, moderator'), $user->hasRole('admin|moderator'),
    | $user->hasOneRole('admin, moderator'), $user->hasOneRole(['admin', 'moderator']), $user->hasOneRole('admin|moderator')

    // The user has at least one of the roles

if ($user->hasRole(['admin', 'moderator'], true)) {
    | Or alternatively:
    | $user->hasRole('admin, moderator', true), $user->hasRole('admin|moderator', true),
    | $user->hasAllRoles('admin, moderator'), $user->hasAllRoles(['admin', 'moderator']), $user->hasAllRoles('admin|moderator')

    // The user has all roles

if ($user->level() > 4) {

$createUsersPermission = config('roles.models.permission')::create([
    'name' => 'Create users',
    'slug' => 'create.users',
    'description' => '', // optional

$deleteUsersPermission = config('roles.models.permission')::create([
    'name' => 'Delete users',
    'slug' => 'delete.users',

$role = config('roles.models.role')::find($roleId);
$role->attachPermission($createUsersPermission); // permission attached to a role

$user = config('roles.models.defaultUser')::find($userId);
$user->attachPermission($deleteUsersPermission); // permission attached to a user

$role->detachPermission($createUsersPermission); // in case you want to detach permission
$role->detachAllPermissions(); // in case you want to detach all permissions
$role->syncPermissions($permissions); // you can pass Eloquent collection, or just an array of ids

$user->syncPermissions($permissions); // you can pass Eloquent collection, or just an array of ids

if ($user->hasPermission('create.users')) { // you can pass an id or slug

if ($user->canDeleteUsers()) {

use App\Article;

$editArticlesPermission = config('roles.models.permission')::create([
    'name' => 'Edit articles',
    'slug' => 'edit.articles',
    'model' => 'App\Article',


$article = Article::find(1);

if ($user->allowed('edit.articles', $article)) { // $user->allowedEditArticles($article)

if ($user->allowed('edit.articles', $article, false)) { // now owner check is disabled

@role('admin') // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasRole('admin'))
    // user has admin role

@permission('edit.articles') // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasPermission('edit.articles'))
    // user has edit articles permissison

@level(2) // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->level() >= 2)
    // user has level 2 or higher

@allowed('edit', $article) // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->allowed('edit', $article))
    // show edit button

@role('admin|moderator', true) // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasRole('admin|moderator', true))
    // user has admin and moderator role
    // something else

 * The application's route middleware.
 * @var array
protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'auth' => \App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate::class,
    'auth.basic' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::class,
    'bindings' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings::class,
    'cache.headers' => \Illuminate\Http\Middleware\SetCacheHeaders::class,
    'can' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authorize::class,
    'guest' => \App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated::class,
    'signed' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ValidateSignature::class,
    'throttle' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ThrottleRequests::class,
    'verified' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\EnsureEmailIsVerified::class,
    'role' => \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Middleware\VerifyRole::class,
    'permission' => \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Middleware\VerifyPermission::class,
    'level' => \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Middleware\VerifyLevel::class,

Route::get('/', function () {

Route::get('/', function () {

Route::get('/', function () {
})->middleware('level:2'); // level >= 2

Route::get('/', function () {
})->middleware('role:admin', 'level:2'); // level >= 2 and Admin

Route::group(['middleware' => ['role:admin']], function () {

     * Render an exception into an HTTP response.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Throwable  $e
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function render($request, Throwable $e)
		$userLevelCheck = $e instanceof \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Exceptions\RoleDeniedException ||
			$e instanceof \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Exceptions\PermissionDeniedException ||
			$e instanceof \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Exceptions\LevelDeniedException;
		if ($userLevelCheck) {
			if ($request->expectsJson()) {
				return Response::json(array(
					'error'    =>  403,
					'message'   =>  'Unauthorized.'
				), 403);
		return parent::render($request, $e);

return [

    | Package Connection
    | You can set a different database connection for this package. It will set
    | new connection for models Role and Permission. When this option is null,
    | it will connect to the main database, which is set up in database.php

    'connection'            => env('ROLES_DATABASE_CONNECTION', null),
    'rolesTable'            => env('ROLES_ROLES_DATABASE_TABLE', 'roles'),
    'roleUserTable'         => env('ROLES_ROLE_USER_DATABASE_TABLE', 'role_user'),
    'permissionsTable'      => env('ROLES_PERMISSIONS_DATABASE_TABLE', 'permissions'),
    'permissionsRoleTable'  => env('ROLES_PERMISSION_ROLE_DATABASE_TABLE', 'permission_role'),
    'permissionsUserTable'  => env('ROLES_PERMISSION_USER_DATABASE_TABLE', 'permission_user'),

    | Slug Separator
    | Here you can change the slug separator. This is very important in matter
    | of magic method __call() and also a `Slugable` trait. The default value
    | is a dot.

    'separator' => env('ROLES_DEFAULT_SEPARATOR', '.'),

    | Models
    | If you want, you can replace default models from this package by models
    | you created. Have a look at `jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Models\Role` model and
    | `jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Models\Permission` model.

    'models' => [
        'role'          => env('ROLES_DEFAULT_ROLE_MODEL', jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Models\Role::class),
        'permission'    => env('ROLES_DEFAULT_PERMISSION_MODEL', jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Models\Permission::class),
        'defaultUser'   => env('ROLES_DEFAULT_USER_MODEL', config('auth.providers.users.model')),

    | Roles, Permissions and Allowed "Pretend"
    | You can pretend or simulate package behavior no matter what is in your
    | database. It is really useful when you are testing you application.
    | Set up what will methods hasRole(), hasPermission() and allowed() return.

    'pretend' => [
        'enabled' => false,
        'options' => [
            'hasRole'       => true,
            'hasPermission' => true,
            'allowed'       => true,

    | Default Migrations
    | These are the default package migrations. If you publish the migrations
    | to your project, then this is not necessary and should be disabled. This
    | will enable our default migrations.
    'defaultMigrations' => [
        'enabled'        => env('ROLES_MIGRATION_DEFAULT_ENABLED', false),

    | Default Seeds
    | These are the default package seeds. You can seed the package built
    | in seeds without having to seed them. These seed directly from
    | the package. These are not the published seeds.

    'defaultSeeds' => [
        'PermissionsTableSeeder'        => env('ROLES_SEED_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS', true),
        'RolesTableSeeder'              => env('ROLES_SEED_DEFAULT_ROLES', true),
        'ConnectRelationshipsSeeder'    => env('ROLES_SEED_DEFAULT_RELATIONSHIPS', true),
        'UsersTableSeeder'              => env('ROLES_SEED_DEFAULT_USERS', false),

    | Laravel Roles GUI Settings
    | This is the GUI for Laravel Roles to be able to CRUD them
    | easily and fast. This is optional and is not needed
    | for your application.

    // Enable Optional Roles Gui
    'rolesGuiEnabled'               => env('ROLES_GUI_ENABLED', false),

    // Enable `auth` middleware
    'rolesGuiAuthEnabled'           => env('ROLES_GUI_AUTH_ENABLED', true),

    // Enable Roles GUI middleware
    'rolesGuiMiddlewareEnabled'     => env('ROLES_GUI_MIDDLEWARE_ENABLED', true),

    // Optional Roles GUI Middleware
    'rolesGuiMiddleware'            => env('ROLES_GUI_MIDDLEWARE', 'role:admin'),

    // User Permissions or Role needed to create a new role
    'rolesGuiCreateNewRolesMiddlewareType'   => env('ROLES_GUI_CREATE_ROLE_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'role'), //permissions or roles
    'rolesGuiCreateNewRolesMiddleware'       => env('ROLES_GUI_CREATE_ROLE_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'admin'), // admin, XXX. ... or perms.XXX

    // User Permissions or Role needed to create a new permission
    'rolesGuiCreateNewPermissionMiddlewareType'  => env('ROLES_GUI_CREATE_PERMISSION_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'role'), //permissions or roles
    'rolesGuiCreateNewPermissionsMiddleware'     => env('ROLES_GUI_CREATE_PERMISSION_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'admin'), // admin, XXX. ... or perms.XXX

    // The parent blade file
    'bladeExtended'                 => env('ROLES_GUI_BLADE_EXTENDED', ''),

    // Blade Extension Placement
    'bladePlacement'                => env('ROLES_GUI_BLADE_PLACEMENT', 'yield'),
    'bladePlacementCss'             => env('ROLES_GUI_BLADE_PLACEMENT_CSS', 'inline_template_linked_css'),
    'bladePlacementJs'              => env('ROLES_GUI_BLADE_PLACEMENT_JS', 'inline_footer_scripts'),

    // Titles placement extend
    'titleExtended'                 => env('ROLES_GUI_TITLE_EXTENDED', 'template_title'),

    // Switch Between bootstrap 3 `panel` and bootstrap 4 `card` classes
    'bootstapVersion'               => env('ROLES_GUI_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION', '4'),

    // Additional Card classes for styling -
    // See:
    // Example classes: 'text-white bg-primary mb-3'
    'bootstrapCardClasses'          => env('ROLES_GUI_CARD_CLASSES', ''),

    // Bootstrap Tooltips
    'tooltipsEnabled'               => env('ROLES_GUI_TOOLTIPS_ENABLED', true),

    // jQuery
    'enablejQueryCDN'               => env('ROLES_GUI_JQUERY_CDN_ENABLED', true),
    'JQueryCDN'                     => env('ROLES_GUI_JQUERY_CDN_URL', ''),

    // Selectize JS
    'enableSelectizeJsCDN'          => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_CDN_ENABLED', true),
    'SelectizeJsCDN'                => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_CDN_URL', ''),
    'enableSelectizeJs'             => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_ENABLED', true),
    'enableSelectizeJsCssCDN'       => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_CSS_CDN_ENABLED', true),
    'SelectizeJsCssCDN'             => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_CSS_CDN_URL', ''),

    // Font Awesome
    'enableFontAwesomeCDN'          => env('ROLES_GUI_FONT_AWESOME_CDN_ENABLED', true),
    'fontAwesomeCDN'                => env('ROLES_GUI_FONT_AWESOME_CDN_URL', ''),

    // Flash Messaging
    'builtInFlashMessagesEnabled'   => env('ROLES_GUI_FLASH_MESSAGES_ENABLED', true),

    | Laravel Roles API Settings
    | This is the API for Laravel Roles to be able to CRUD them
    | easily and fast via an API. This is optional and is
    | not needed for your application.
    'rolesApiEnabled'               => env('ROLES_API_ENABLED', false),

    // Enable `auth` middleware
    'rolesAPIAuthEnabled'           => env('ROLES_API_AUTH_ENABLED', true),

    // Enable Roles API middleware
    'rolesAPIMiddlewareEnabled'     => env('ROLES_API_MIDDLEWARE_ENABLED', true),

    // Optional Roles API Middleware
    'rolesAPIMiddleware'            => env('ROLES_API_MIDDLEWARE', 'role:admin'),

    // User Permissions or Role needed to create a new role
    'rolesAPICreateNewRolesMiddlewareType'   => env('ROLES_API_CREATE_ROLE_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'role'), //permissions or roles
    'rolesAPICreateNewRolesMiddleware'       => env('ROLES_API_CREATE_ROLE_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'admin'), // admin, XXX. ... or perms.XXX

    // User Permissions or Role needed to create a new permission
    'rolesAPICreateNewPermissionMiddlewareType'  => env('ROLES_API_CREATE_PERMISSION_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'role'), //permissions or roles
    'rolesAPICreateNewPermissionsMiddleware'     => env('ROLES_API_CREATE_PERMISSION_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'admin'), // admin, XXX. ... or perms.XXX

    | Laravel Roles GUI Datatables Settings

    'enabledDatatablesJs'           => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_JS_ENABLED', false),
    'datatablesJsStartCount'        => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_JS_START_COUNT', 25),
    'datatablesCssCDN'              => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_CSS_CDN', ''),
    'datatablesJsCDN'               => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_JS_CDN', ''),
    'datatablesJsPresetCDN'         => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_JS_PRESET_CDN', ''),

    | Laravel Roles Package Integration Settings

    'laravelUsersEnabled'           => env('ROLES_GUI_LARAVEL_ROLES_ENABLED', false),

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-config
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-migrations
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-seeds
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-views
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-lang
composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed