PHP code example of jenzri-nizar / zf3-jquerydatatable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jenzri-nizar/zf3-jquerydatatable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jenzri-nizar / zf3-jquerydatatable example snippets

"jenzri-nizar/zf3-jquerydatatable": "^1.0"

composer update

'modules' => array(

$radio = new Element\Radio('rd');
$radio->setLabelAttributes(array('class' => 'col-md-4'));
            'Item 1' => "Item 1",
            'Item 2' => "Item 2",
            'Item 3' => "Item 3",

$range = new Element\Range('range');
$range ->setAttributes(array(
                'min'  => '0',
                'max'  => '100',
                'step' => '5',   

$Text=new \Zend\Form\Element\Text("test",[]);


                "artist" =>[



                "artist" =>[



 echo $this->datatable("Album_1");


                "artist" =>[


                "template" => "{update} {delete}",
                "buttons" => [
                        "click"=>"$(document).on('click','.ClassDeleteAjax',function(){alert('test');return false;});",
                        "html"=>"<span class='btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></span>",
                    "update" => [
                        "html"=>"<span class='btn btn-success glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span>",