PHP code example of jenssegers / imagehash

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jenssegers/imagehash library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jenssegers / imagehash example snippets

use Jenssegers\ImageHash\ImageHash;
use Jenssegers\ImageHash\Implementations\DifferenceHash;

$hasher = new ImageHash(new DifferenceHash());
$hash = $hasher->hash('path/to/image.jpg');

echo $hash;
// or
echo $hash->toHex();

$distance = $hasher->distance($hash1, $hash2);
// or
$distance = $hash1->distance($hash2);

echo $hash->toHex(); // 7878787c7c707c3c
echo $hash->toBits(); // 0111100001111000011110000111110001111100011100000111110000111100
echo $hash->toInt(); // 8680820757815655484
echo $hash->toBytes(); // "\x0F\x07ƒƒ\x03\x0F\x07\x00"

$hash = Hash::fromHex('7878787c7c707c3c');
$hash = Hash::fromBin('0111100001111000011110000111110001111100011100000111110000111100');
$hash = Hash::fromInt('8680820757815655484');