PHP code example of jelix / inifile

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jelix/inifile library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jelix / inifile example snippets

$ini = new \Jelix\IniFile\IniModifier('myfile.ini');

// setting a parameter.  (section_name is optional)
$ini->setValue('parameter_name', 'value', 'section_name');

// retrieve a parameter value. (section_name is optional)
$val = $ini->getValue('parameter_name', 'section_name');

// remove a parameter
$ini->removeValue('parameter_name', 'section_name');

// save into file


// importing an ini file into an other
$ini2 = new \Jelix\IniFile\IniModifier('myfile2.ini');

// merging two section: merge sectionSource into sectionTarget and then 
// sectionSource is removed
$ini->mergeSection('sectionSource', 'sectionTarget');


$ini = new \Jelix\IniFile\IniModifier('myfile.ini');

$val = $ini->getValue('foo'); // array('bar', 'baz');
$val = $ini->getValue('assoc'); // array('key1'=>'car', 'otherkey'=>'bus');

$ini->setValue('foo', 'other value', 0, '');
$val = $ini->getValue('foo'); // array('bar', 'baz', 'other value');

$ini->setValue('foo', 'five', 0, 5);
$val = $ini->getValue('foo'); // array('bar', 'baz', 'other value', 5 => 'five');

$ini->setValue('assoc', 'other value', 0, 'ov');
$val = $ini->getValue('assoc'); // array('key1'=>'car', 'otherkey'=>'bus', 'ov'=>'other value');