PHP code example of jeandormehl / openapi-gen

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jeandormehl/openapi-gen library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jeandormehl / openapi-gen example snippets




  'route' => [
      'enabled'    => true,
      'prefix'     => '',
      'path'       => 'docs',
      'middleware' => [],



  'openapi' => \Rapid\OAS\OpenApi::VERSION,



  'info' => [
      'title'   => 'OpenApi',
      'version' => env('API_VERSION') ?? env('APP_VERSION', 'v1'),



  'info' => [
      'title'          => 'OpenApi',
      'description'    => 'This is the OpenApi specification package.',
      'termsOfService' => 'http://localhost/termsOfService',
      'contact'        => [
          'name'  => 'John Smith',
          'url'   => 'http://localhost/me',
          'email' => '[email protected]',
      'license' => [
          'name' => 'Apache-2.0',
          'url'  => '',
      'version' => env('API_VERSION') ?? env('APP_VERSION', 'v1'),



  'servers' => [
          'url' => 'http://localhost:8080/v1',



  'servers' => [
          'url'         => 'http://localhost:8080/v1',
          'description' => 'OpenApi HTTP Server',
          // server variables
          'variables'   => [
              'scheme' => [
                  'enum'        => ['http', 'https'],
                  'default'     => 'http',
                  'description' => 'The Transfer Protocol',



  'security' => [
      'apiKey' => [],
      // if using oauth
      'oauth2' => [



  'security' => [
      'apiKey' => [],
      'http'   => [],
      'bearer' => [],
      'oauth2' => [
      'openIdConnect' => [



  'tags' => [
          'name' => 'User',


  'tags' => [
          'name'         => 'User',
          'description'  => 'API user models.',
          // see externalDocs section
          'externalDocs' => [
              'url'         => 'http://localhost/tags/users/externalDocs',
              'description' => 'User docs.',


  'externalDocs' => [
      'url' => 'http://localhost/externalDocs',



  'externalDocs' => [
      'url'         => 'http://localhost/externalDocs',
      'description' => 'External docs for OpenApi.',



  'components' => [
      'schemas' => [

            'models' => ['App\\User' => []],




  'components' => [
      'schemas' => [

            'models' => [
                'App\\User' => [
                    'hidden' => ['password', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at']




  'components' => [
      'schemas' => [

          'Status' => [
              'title'       => 'Status',
              'description' => 'Current status of the user.',
              'enum'        => ['Active', 'Pending', 'Disabled'],
              'default'     => 'Pending',
              'type'        => \cebe\openapi\spec\Type::STRING,




  'components' => [
      'schemas' => [

          'User' => [
              'title'       => 'User',
              'description' => 'The User object.',
              'type'        => \cebe\openapi\spec\Type::OBJECT,
              '      // pattern => '',
                  'first_name' => [
                      'type' => \cebe\openapi\spec\Type::STRING,
                      'title' => 'FirstName',
                      'description' => 'The users first name.',
                  // $refs should always be an array as seen here
                  'status' => ['$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Status']
              'maxProperties' => 3,
              'minProperties' => 3,




  'components' => [

      'responses' => [

          // common responses use application/json content types.
          'statusCodes' => [400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 418, 422, 500, 502, 503],




  'components' => [

      'responses' => [

          'TokenResponse' => [
              'description' => 'The oauth2 token response.',
              'content'     => [
                  // mediaType object
                  'application/json' => [
                      // using schemas $ref. Try to stick to $refs but inline can also be used
                      'schema' => ['$ref' => '#/components/schemas/TokenResponse'],




  'components' => [

      'parameters' => [

          'Identifier' => [
              'name'            => 'Identifier',
              'in'              => 'path',
              'description'     => 'The model identifier',
              // 'schema' => [
              //     'type'    => \cebe\openapi\spec\Type::INTEGER,
              //     'format'  => \Rapid\OAS\Spec\Format::INT32,
              //     'example' => 1,
              // ],




  'components' => [

      'requestBodies' => [

          'User' => [
              'description' => 'User request body.',
              '  'schema'  => ['$ref' => '#/components/schemas/User'],




  'components' => [

      'headers' => [

          'X-User-Id' => [
              'description' => 'The User Identifier passed between microservices.',


  'components' => [

      'headers' => [

          'Accept' => [
              'description' => 'The Accept header to pass to all requests.',
              'ne schemas. Try to stick to $refs
                      'schema' => ['type' => \cebe\openapi\spec\Type::STRING],
                      'examples' => [
                          'application/json' => ['value' => 'application/json'],
                          'application/vnd.github.v3+json' => ['value' => 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'],




  'components' => [

      'securitySchemes' => [

          // apiKey example
          'apiKey' => [
              'type'        => 'apiKey',
              'description' => 'Unique key used to authenticate against API.',
              'name'        => 'X-Application-Id',
              'in'          => 'header',

          // possible http schemes: basic, bearer
          // basic example
          'basic' => [
              'type'        => 'http',
              'description' => 'HTTP basic scheme to authenticate against API.',
              'scheme'      => 'basic',

          // bearer example
          'bearer' => [
              'type'         => 'http',
              'description'  => 'HTTP bearer scheme to authenticate against API.',
              'scheme'       => 'bearer',
              'bearerFormat' => 'bearer',

          // oauth2 example
          'oauth2' => [
              'type'        => 'oauth2',
              'description' => 'OAuth2 authentication flows to authenticate against API.',
              'flows' => [
                  // implicit
                  'implicit' => [
                      'authorizationUrl' => 'http://localhost/authorizationUrl',
                      'scopes'           => [
                          'view:users'   => 'View all user information',
                          'create:users' => 'Create a new user.',

                  // password
                  'password' => [
                      'tokenUrl'   => 'http://localhost/tokenUrl',
                      'refreshUrl' => 'http://localhost/refreshUrl',
                      'scopes'     => [
                          'view:users'   => 'View all user information',
                          'create:users' => 'Create a new user.',

                  // clientCredentials
                  'clientCredentials' => [
                      'tokenUrl'   => 'http://localhost/tokenUrl',
                      'refreshUrl' => 'http://localhost/refreshUrl',
                      'scopes'     => [
                          'view:users'   => 'View all user information',
                          'create:users' => 'Create a new user.',

                  // authorizationCode
                  'authorizationCode' => [
                      'authorizationUrl' => 'http://localhost/authorizationUrl',
                      'tokenUrl'         => 'http://localhost/tokenUrl',
                      'scopes'           => [
                          'view:users'   => 'View all user information',
                          'create:users' => 'Create a new user.',

          // openIdConnect example
          'openIdConnect' => [
              'type'             => 'openIdConnect',
              'description'      => 'OpenIdConnect authentication for API.',
              'openIdConnectUrl' => '',




  'paths' => [
      // path item
      '/users' => [
          // operation (GET)
          'get' => [
              'tags'        => ['User'],
              'summary'     => 'Get Users',
              'description' => 'Get a paginated result set of User objects.',
              'operationId' => 'user.index',
              // try stick to $refs
              'responses'   => [
                  '200' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/UsersList'],
                  '400' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/400'],
                  '401' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/401'],
                  '403' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/403'],

          // operation (POST)
          'post' => [
              'tags'        => ['User'],
              'summary'     => 'Create User',
              'description' => 'Create a new user.',
              'operationId' => 'user.create',
              'requestBody' => ['$ref' => '#/components/requestBodies/User'],
              'responses' => [
                  '200' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/User'],
                  '400' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/400'],
                  '401' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/401'],
                  '403' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/403'],
                  '404' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/404'],
                  '418' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/418'],
                  '422' => ['$ref' => '#/components/responses/422'],

$ mkdir -p config
$ cp -R vendor/jeandormehl/openapi-gen/config/oas.php config/oas.php
$ php artisan oas:yaml