PHP code example of jdwx / args

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jdwx/args library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jdwx / args example snippets

declare( strict_types = 1 );

rgv );

$st = $args->shiftString();
# Based on the shell example above, $st now equals "Hello,"

$args = new JDWX\Args\Arguments( [ 'not-an-email-address' ] );
try {
    $email = $args->shiftEmailAddress();
} catch ( JDWX\Args\BadArgumentException $e) {
    echo "Not a valid email address: ", $e->getValue(), "\n";

while ( $i = $args->shiftInteger() ) {
    echo "Got integer: $i\n";

while ( $st = $args->shiftString() ) {
    $i = $args->shiftIntegerEx();
    assert( is_int( $i ) );
    echo "Got: $st => $i\n";

# If the next argument is "prefix_example," $st will be set to "example."
# In this example, the consume flag is not set, so the argument will not
# be consumed.
if ( $st = $args->peekString( 'prefix_' ) ) {
    echo "Got: $st\n";
    $st2 = $args->shiftString();
    assert( $st2 === $st ); # Argument was not consumed.
} else {
    echo "Nope!\n";

$rKeywords = [ 'example', 'demo', 'test' ];
# If the next argument is "example," $st will be set to "example." In this example,
# the consume flag is set so the argument is consumed if (and only if) it matches.
# The default is kept as false for consistency with peekString(), but usually
# you do want to consume keyword-matching arguments.
if ( $st = $args->peekKeywords( $rKeywords, i_bConsume: true ) ) {
    echo "Got: $st\n";
} else {
    echo "Nope!\n";

$args = new JDWX\Args\Arguments( $argv );
$rOptions = $args->handleOptions();
if ( in_array( 'help', $rOptions ) ) {
    echo "Usage: $argv[0] [options] [arguments]\n";
    echo "Options:\n";
    echo "  --help    Display this help message\n";
    exit( 0 );
YourPrompt$ ./example.php Hello, world.