PHP code example of jdefez / laravel-csv

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jdefez/laravel-csv library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jdefez / laravel-csv example snippets

use Jdefez\LaravelCsv\Facades\Csv;

$file = new SplFileObject('path-to-my-file.csv', 'r');

if ($file->isReadable()) {
  $reader = Csv::reader($file);

  foreach ($reader->read() as $row) {

    // returns an array with the row's values


$reader = Csv::reader(new SplFileObject('path-to-my-file.csv', 'r'))

// Given a file
// lastname;firstname;date of birth
// Jacky;Terror;1875-02-12
// Julian;Nightmare;1815-11-11

$reader = Csv::reader(new SplFileObject('path-to-my-file.csv', 'r'))

foreach ($reader->read() as $row) {

  //    "firstname" => "Jacky",
  //    "lastname" => "Terror",
  //    "date_of_birth" => "1875-02-12"



// Given a file
// lastname;firstname;birthdate
// Jacky;Terror;1875-02-12
// Julian;Nightmare;1815-11-11

$reader = Csv::reader(new SplFileObject('path-to-my-file.csv', 'r'))

foreach ($reader->read() as $row) {

  //object(stdClass)#277 (2) {
  //    ["firstname"]=> string(4) "Jacky"
  //    ["lastname"]=> string(5) "Terror"
  //    ["date_of_birth"]=> string(13) "1875-02-12"

  // ...

$iterator = Csv::reader(new SplFileObject('path-to-my-file.csv', 'r'))
  ->read(fn ($item) => UserDataBuilder::make(

foreach ($iterator as $userData) {
  if ($userData->isValid()) {

// Fixing encoding from ISO to UTF-8

$reader = $reader->setToEncoding('UTF-8')
    ->setSearchEncodings(['ISO-8859-15', 'ISO-8859-1'])

$collection = collect([
  ['Jacky', 'Terror', '1875-02-12'],
  ['Julian', 'Nightmare', '1815-11-11'],
  // ...

  ->setFile(new SplFileObject('path-to-my-file.csv', 'w'))
  ->setColumns(['firstname', 'lastname', 'date of birth'])

$collection = collect([
  ['firstname', 'lastname', 'date_of_birth'],
  ['Jacky', 'Terror', '1875-02-12'],
  ['Julian', 'Nightmare', '1815-11-11'],
  // ...

$writer = Csv::writer()->setFile(new SplFileObject('path-to-my-file.csv', 'w'));

$collection->each(fn ($line) => $writer->put($line));

$models = Users::all();

$writer = Csv::writer(new SplFileObject('path-to-my-file.csv', 'w'));

  ->write(fn ($item) => [

// Or iterate over the collection and append each line to the file.

$models->each(fn ($model) => $writer->put(fn () => [