PHP code example of jcrowe / type-safe-collection

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jcrowe/type-safe-collection library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jcrowe / type-safe-collection example snippets

use JCrowe\TypeSafeCollection\TypeSafeCollection;

class MovieLibrary extends TypeSafeCollection {

    // list of classes that can be added to the collection
    protected $allowedClasses = [Watchable::class, Rentable::class];

$myLibrary = new MovieLibrary([
    new WatchableMovie(),
    new RentableDVD(),
    new ReadableBook() // throws \InvalidArgumentProvided exception

$myLibrary = new MovieLibrary();

$myLibarry->push(new RentableDVD());

$myLibrary->push(new ReadableBook()); // throws \InvalidArgumentProvided exception 

class MovieLibrary extends TypeSafeCollection {

    // list of classes that can be added to the collection
    protected $allowedClasses = [Watchable::class, Rentable::class];
    // this function will be called whenever a new  
    // element is being added to the collection
    protected function onAddNewElement($element) 
        if (!$element->isAvailable()) {
            return false; // or throw exception

class MovieLibrary extends TypeSafeCollection {

    // list of classes that can be added to the collection
    protected $allowedClasses = [Watchable::class, Rentable::class];
    // if set to true no exception will be thrown when
    // attempting to add an invalid value.
    protected $ignoreInvalidElements = true;

$myLibrary = new MovieLibrary();

$myLibrary->put('my_rentable', new RentableDVD());

$myLibrary->get('my_rentable'); // RentableDVD object

$myLibrary->put('my_readable', new ReadableBook()); // no exception is thrown

$myLibrary->get('my_readable'); // null