PHP code example of jclg / php-slack-bot

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jclg/php-slack-bot library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jclg / php-slack-bot example snippets

use PhpSlackBot\Bot;

// Custom command
class MyCommand extends \PhpSlackBot\Command\BaseCommand {

    protected function configure() {

    protected function execute($message, $context) {
        $this->send($this->getCurrentChannel(), null, 'Hello !');


$bot = new Bot();
$bot->setToken('TOKEN'); // Get your token here
$bot->loadCommand(new MyCommand());
$bot->loadInternalCommands(); // This loads example commands

use PhpSlackBot\Bot;

// This special command executes on all events
class SuperCommand extends \PhpSlackBot\Command\BaseCommand {

    protected function configure() {
        // We don't have to configure a command name in this case

    protected function execute($data, $context) {
        if ($data['type'] == 'message') {
            $channel = $this->getChannelNameFromChannelId($data['channel']);
            $username = $this->getUserNameFromUserId($data['user']);
            echo $username.' from '.($channel ? $channel : 'DIRECT MESSAGE').' : '.$data['text'].PHP_EOL;


$bot = new Bot();
$bot->setToken('TOKEN'); // Get your token here
$bot->loadCatchAllCommand(new SuperCommand());

$bot->loadInternalWebhooks(); // Load the internal "output" webhook
$bot->enableWebserver(8080, 'secret'); // This will listen on port 8080

$bot = new Bot();
$bot->setToken('TOKEN'); // Get your token here
$bot->loadInternalCommands(); // This loads example commands
$bot->loadPushNotifier(function () {
	return [
		'channel' => '#general',
		'username' => '@slacker',
		'message' => "Happy Birthday!! Make sure you have fun today. :-)"

$bot->loadPushNotifier(function () {
	return [
		'channel' => '@slacker',
		'username' => null,
		'message' => "Current UNIX timestamp is: " . time()
}, 1800);