PHP code example of jcergolj / laravel-view-test-assertions

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jcergolj/laravel-view-test-assertions library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jcergolj / laravel-view-test-assertions example snippets

namespace Tests\Feature;

use Tests\TestCase;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
     * A basic test example.
     * @return void
    public function test_example()
        $response = $this->get('/');

            ->assertViewHasForm() // first form is selected by default
            ->assertViewHasForm(null, 'post', '/users')
            ->assertFormHasField('text', 'first_name')
            ->assertFormHasRadioInput('gender', 'male')
            ->assertFieldHasValidationErrorMsg(trans('validation.alpha', ['attribute' => 'First Name']))
            ->assertFormHasField('select', 'age')
            ->assertFormHasCheckboxInput('confirm', 1)
            ->assertElementHasChild('select[name="age"]', 'option[value="5"]')
            ->assertElementHasChild('select[name="age"]', 'option:contains("5 Years")')
            ->assertElementHasChild('div#parent', 'div.child')
            ->assertViewHasForm(null, '/post')

        // if multiple forms are presented on the page, personally would split assertions;