PHP code example of jbzoo / simpletypes

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jbzoo/simpletypes library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jbzoo / simpletypes example snippets

use JBZoo\SimpleTypes\Config;
use JBZoo\SimpleTypes\Money;
use JBZoo\SimpleTypes\ConfigMoney;

// Set config object for all Money objects as default
Config::registerDefault('money', new ConfigMoney());

// Create any object, some different ways
$money  = new Money('10 eur');
$weight = new Weight('1000'); // Gram is default in the ConfigWeight class
$length = new Length('500 km');
$money  = new Money('100500 usd', new ConfigMoney()); // my custom params only for that object

$money = new Money(' - 1 2 3 , 4 5 6 rub ');    // Equals -123.456 rubles
$money = new Money('1.0e+18 EUR ');             // Really huge number. I'm rich! =)
$money = new Money('  EuR 3,50   ');
$money = new Money('usd');                      // Just object with usd rule

$value = (new Money('4.95 usd'))
    ->add('10 usd')                         // $14.95
    ->subtract('2 eur')                     // $10.95
    ->negative()                            // -$10.95
    ->getClone()                            // copy of object is created
    ->division(5)                           // -$2.19
    ->multiply(10)                          // -$21.90
    ->convert('eur')                        // -10.95€ (For easy understanding we use 1 EUR = 2 USD)
    ->customFunc(function (Money $value) {  // sometimes we would like something more than plus/minus ;)
            ->add(new Money('600 rub'))     // 1.05€ (1 EUR = 50 RUB)
            ->add('-500%');                 // -4.2€
    ->abs();                                // 4.2€

// example #1
$usd = new Money('10 usd');
$usd->add(new Money('10 eur'));

// example #2
$usd = (new Money('10 usd'))->add(new Money('10 eur'));

// example #3
$usd->add('10 eur');

// example #4
$usd->add('10'); // eur is default in the ConfigMoney

// example #5
$usd->add(['10', 'eur']);

$kg = new Weight('1 kg'); // one kilogram
$lb = new Weight('2 lb'); // two pounds

var_dump($kg->compare($lb));            // false ("==" by default)
var_dump($kg->compare($lb, '=='));      // false
var_dump($kg->compare($lb, '<'));       // false
var_dump($kg->compare($lb, '<='));      // false
var_dump($kg->compare($lb, '>'));       // true
var_dump($kg->compare($lb, '>='));      // true

$kg = new Weight('1 kg');
$lb = new Weight('2 lb');

var_dump($kg->compare('1000 g'));       // true
var_dump($kg->compare('2 lb', '=='));   // false
var_dump($kg->compare('2 lb', '<'));    // false
var_dump($kg->compare('2 lb', '<='));   // false
var_dump($kg->compare('2 lb', '>'));    // true
var_dump($kg->compare('2 lb', '>='));   // true

$origPrice = new Money('100 usd');
$realPrice = new Money('40 eur');

$diff = $realPrice->percent($origPrice);
echo $diff->text(); // 80%

$discount = $realPrice->percent($origPrice, true); // revert flag added
echo $discount->text(); // 20%

$valBefore = $this->val('500 usd');
$valString = serialize($valBefore);
$valAfter  = unserialize($valString)->convert('eur');
$valBefore->compare($valAfter);// true

$val = $this->val('500 usd');
echo $val; // "$500.00"

$val = $this->val('10 eur');
// it's converting
$val('usd'); // so object now contains "20 usd" (1 eur = 2 usd)
// set new value and rule
$val('100 rub');
$val('100', 'uah');

$value = new Money('-50.666666 usd');
echo $value->text();            // "-$50.67"
echo $value->text('rub');       // "-1 266,67 руб." (output without changing inner state)
echo $value->noStyle('rub');    // "-1 266,67" (without symbol)

echo (new Money('-50.666666 usd'))->html('rub'); // render HTML, useful for JavaScript

    class="simpleType simpleType-block simpleType-money"
        -<span class="simpleType-value">1 266,67</span>
        <span class="simpleType-symbol">руб.</span>

echo $value->htmlInput('rub', 'input-name-attr');

 * Class ConfigInfo
 * @package JBZoo\SimpleTypes
class ConfigInfo extends Config
     * SimpleTypes uses it for converting and while parsing undefined values
     * @var string
    public $default = 'byte';
     * To collect or not to collect logs for each object (need additional memory a little bit)
     * @var bool
    public $isDebug = true;
     * Array of converting rules and output format
     * return array
    public function getRules()
        // key of array is alias for parser
        return array(
            'byte' => array(
                'rate' => 1 // Because 1 byte to byte is 1 =)))

            'kb'   => array(
                'symbol'          => 'KB',                     // symbol for output (->text(), ->html(), ...)
                'round_type'      => Formatter::ROUND_CLASSIC, // classic, float, ceil, none
                'round_value'     => Formatter::ROUND_DEFAULT, // Count of valuable number after decimal point for any arithmetic actions
                'num_decimals'    => '2',       // Sets the number of decimal points
                'decimal_sep'     => '.',       // Sets the separator for the decimal point.
                'thousands_sep'   => ' ',       // Sets the thousands separator.
                'format_positive' => '%v %s',   // %v - replace to rounded and formated (number_format()) value
                'format_negative' => '-%v %s',  // %s - replace to symbol
                'rate'            => 1024,      // How many bytes (default measure) in the 1 KB ?

            'mb'   => array( // Other params gets from $this->defaultParams variable
                'symbol' => 'MB',
                'rate'   => 1024 * 1024,

            'gb'   => array( // Other params gets from $this->defaultParams variable
                'symbol' => 'GB',
                'rate'   => 1024 * 1024 * 1024,

            'bit'  => array(
                'symbol' => 'Bit',
                'rate'   => function ($value, $to) { // Custom callback function for difficult conversion
                    if ($to == 'bit') {
                         return $value * 8;
                    return $value / 8;

// create config object
$config = new ConfigInfo();

// you can register default config for all info-objects,
Config::registerDefault('info', $config);
$info1 = new Info('700 MB');
$info2 = new Info('1.4 GB');

// or add config object manually
$info1 = new Info('700 MB', $config);
$info2 = new Info('1.4 GB', $config);

// Well... some calculations
echo $info2->subtract($info1)->dump() . PHP_EOL;
echo $info2->convert('mb')->dump() . PHP_EOL;


 * Array
 * (
 *     [0]  => Id=16 has just created; dump="4.95 usd"
 *     [1]  => Add "10 usd"; New value = "14.95 usd"
 *     [2]  => Subtract "2 eur"; New value = "10.95 usd"
 *     [3]  => Set negative; New value = "-10.95 usd"
 *     [4]  => Cloned from id=16 and created new with id=19; dump=-10.95 usd
 *     [5]  => Division with "5"; New value = "-2.19 usd"
 *     [6]  => Multiply with "10"; New value = "-21.9 usd"
 *     [7]  => Converted "usd"=>"eur"; New value = "-10.95 eur"; 1 usd = 0.5 eur
 *     [8]  => --> Function start
 *     [9]  => Add "600 rub"; New value = "1.05 eur"
 *     [10] => Add "-500 %"; New value = "-4.2 eur"
 *     [11] => <-- Function finished; New value = "-4.2 eur"
 *     [12] => Set positive/abs; New value = "4.2 eur"
 * )

echo $value->dump(); // "4.2 eur; id=19"

echo $value->getId(); // "19"

echo $value->val(); // "4.2"

echo $value->rule(); // "eur"