PHP code example of jbzoo / cli

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jbzoo/cli library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jbzoo / cli example snippets

  #!/usr/bin/env php

namespace DemoApp;

use JBZoo\Cli\CliApplication;

// Init composer autoloader
ional. Looks at the online generator of ASCII logos
          __  __          _____                      _
         |  \/  |        / ____|                    | |          /\
         | \  / |_   _  | |     ___  _ __  ___  ___ | | ___     /  \   _ __  _ __
         | |\/| | | | | | |    / _ \| '_ \/ __|/ _ \| |/ _ \   / /\ \ | '_ \| '_ \
         | |  | | |_| | | |___| (_) | | | \__ \ (_) | |  __/  / ____ \| |_) | |_) |
         |_|  |_|\__, |  \_____\___/|_| |_|___/\___/|_|\___| /_/    \_\ .__/| .__/
                  __/ |                                               | |   | |
                 |___/                                                |_|   |_|

// Scan directory to find commands.
//  * It doesn't work recursively!
//  * They must be inherited from the class \JBZoo\Cli\CliCommand
$application->registerCommandsByPath(__DIR__ . '/Commands', __NAMESPACE__);

// Optional. Action name by default (if there is no arguments)

// Run application

  namespace DemoApp\Commands;
  use JBZoo\Cli\CliCommand;
  use JBZoo\Cli\Codes;
  class Simple extends CliCommand
      protected function configure(): void
          // Action name. It will be used in command line.
          // Example: `./my-app simple`
          // Defined inhereted CLI options. See ./src/CliCommand.php for details.
      protected function executeAction(): int
          // Your code here
          $this->_('Hello world!');
          // Exit code. 0 - success, 1 - error.
          return self::SUCCESS;

// If the option has `InputOption::VALUE_NONE` it returns true/false.
// --option-name
$value = $this->getOpt('option-name'); // `$value === true` 

// --option-name="    123.6   "
$value = $this->getOpt('option-name'); // Returns the value AS-IS. `$value ===  "   123.6   "`

// --option-name="    123.6   "
$value = $this->getOptBool('option-name'); // Converts an input variable to boolean. `$value === true`

// --option-name="    123.6   "
$value = $this->getOptInt('option-name'); // Converts an input variable to integer. `$value === 123`
$value = $this->getOptInt('option-name', 42, [1, 2, 42]); // Strict comparing with allowed values

// --option-name="    123.6   "
$value = $this->getOptFloat('option-name'); // Converts an input variable to float. `$value === 123.6`
$value = $this->getOptFloat('option-name', 1.0, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]); // Strict comparing with allowed values

// --option-name="    123.6   "
$value = $this->getOptString('option-name'); // Converts an input variable to trimmed string. `$value === "123.6"`
$value = $this->getOptString('option-name', 'default', ['default', 'mini', 'full']); // Strict comparing with allowed values

// --option-name=123.6
$value = $this->getOptArray('option-name'); // Converts an input variable to trimmed string. `$value === ["123.6"]`

// --option-name="15 July 2021 13:48:00"
$value = $this->getOptDatetime('option-name'); // Converts an input variable to \DateTimeImmutable object.

// Use standard input as input variable.
// Example. `echo " Qwerty 123 " | php ./my-app agruments`
$value = self::getStdIn(); // Reads StdIn as string value. `$value === " Qwerty 123 \n"`

// There two strictly(!) recommended output ways:

 * Prints a message to the output in the command class which inherits from the class \JBZoo\Cli\CliCommand
 * @param string|string[] $messages     Output message(s). Can be an array of strings or a string. Array of strings will be imploded with new line.
 * @param string          $verboseLevel is one of value form the class \JBZoo\Cli\OutLvl::*
 * @param string          $context      is array of extra info. Will be serialized to JSON and displayed in the end of the message.
$this->_($messages, $verboseLevel, $context);

 * This is global alias function of `$this->_(...)`.
 * It's nice to have it if you want to display a text from not CliCommand class.
JBZoo\Cli\cli($messages, $verboseLevel, $context);

$this->progressBar(5, function (): void {
    // Some code in loop

$this->progressBar($arrayOfSomething, function ($value, $key, $step) {
    // Some code in loop

    if ($step === 3) {
        throw new ExceptionBreak("Something went wrong with \$value={$value}. Stop the loop!");

    return "<c>Callback Args</c> \$value=<i>{$value}</i>, \$key=<i>{$key}</i>, \$step=<i>{$step}</i>";
}, 'Custom messages based on callback arguments', $throwBatchException);

$yourName = $this->ask("What's your name?", 'Default Noname');
$this->_("Your name is \"{$yourName}\"");

$yourSecret = $this->askPassword("New password?", true);
$this->_("Your secret is \"{$yourSecret}\"");

$selectedColor = $this->askOption("What's your favorite color?", ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow'], 'Blue');
$this->_("Selected color is {$selectedColor}");

$isConfirmed = $this->confirmation('Are you ready to execute the script?');
$this->_("Is confirmed: " . ($isConfirmed ? 'Yes' : 'No'));

use JBZoo\Cli\CliRender;

    "It's like a title",
    'Option Name' => 'Option Value',
    'Key' => 'Value',
    'Another Key #2' => 'Qwerty',
], '*')); // It's bullet character