PHP code example of jbzoo / ci-report-converter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jbzoo/ci-report-converter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jbzoo / ci-report-converter example snippets


use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

 * Here's an example based on PHPUnit and PhpStorm, but you are not limited to PHP language.
 * This is just an example to show the idea.
 * So you can use any sort language to integrate style tests with JetBrains IDE.
class CheckStyleExamplesTest extends TestCase
     * The short example which uses pipe as way to pass error report.
    public function testPipelineWay(): void
        echo shell_exec(                       # Execute command via shell and return the complete output as a string.
            'php ./vendor/bin/phpcs' .         # Path to bin of third-party tool (PHP Code Sniffer is just example).
            ' --report=checkstyle' .           # Output format of PHPcs. ci-report-converter expects it by default as `--input-format` option.
            ' --standard=PSR12 -q ./src' .     # The custom tool options. For phpcs `-q` is important!
            ' | ' .                            # The pipe operator, it passes the output of one command as input to another. See
            ' ./ci-report-converter.phar'      # The converter does all the magic. Look at help description ( --help) to lean more about options and default values.

        # Usually PHPUnit expects at least one assert in a test.
        # Otherwise, it may show useless warning messages. It depends on PHPUnit version and your configurations.
        # So, just in case, we make a fake assertion.

     * The super detailed example which uses files as way to pass error report.
    public function testXmlFileWay(): void
        shell_exec(                                     # Execute command via shell and return the complete output as a string.
            'php ./vendor/bin/phpcs' .                  # Path to bin of third-party tool (PHP Code Sniffer is just example).
            ' --report=checkstyle' .                    # Output format of PHPcs. CI-Report-Converter expects it by default as `--input-format` option.
            ' --report-file=./build/phpcs-report.xml' . # Save result of phpcs work in XML file in "checkstyle" format.
            ' --standard=PSR12 -q ./src' .              # The custom tool options. For phpcs `-q` is important!
            ' || true > /dev/null'                      # We don't expect any output of phpcs and ignore error exit codes.
                                                        # Lol, we are very self-confident. Actually, we need only XML file, that's it.

        // I've shown all the options explicitly just to add transparency.
        // In fact, this example does the same thing as the code above in `testPipelineWay()`.
        echo shell_exec(
            './ci-report-converter.phar' .              # The path to bin file of CI-Report-Converter. It depends of your installation way. See above.
            ' --input-format=checkstyle' .              # Source reporting format. Default value is "checkstyle".
            ' --input-file=./build/phpcs-report.xml' .  # Using prepared file on previous step as source.
            ' --output-format=tc-tests' .               # Target reporting format. Default value is "tc-tests".
            ' --suite-name=PHPcs' .                     # Define the name of group. See screenshot below.
            ' --root-path=`pwd`'                        # Specify the project path for pretty printing paths in UI. Default value is `.` (current dir).

        # The same reason like in `testPipelineWay()`.

use JBZoo\CIReportConverter\Converters\JUnitConverter;
use JBZoo\CIReportConverter\Formats\Source\SourceCaseOutput;
use JBZoo\CIReportConverter\Formats\Source\SourceSuite;

$class = \JBZoo\PHPUnit\ExampleTest::class;
$className = str_replace('\\', '.', $class);
$filename = './tests/ExampleTest.php';
$line = 28;

$suite = new SourceSuite('Suite');
$case = $suite->addTestCase('Test Name');
$case->time = 0.001824;
$case->file = $filename;
$case->line = $line;
$case->class = $class;
$case->classname = $className;
$case->assertions = 5;
$case->stdOut = 'Some std output';
$case->errOut = 'Some err output';
$case->failure = new SourceCaseOutput('Failure', 'Failure Message', 'Failure Details');
$case->error = new SourceCaseOutput('Error', 'Error Message', 'Error Details');
$case->warning = new SourceCaseOutput('Warning', 'Warning Message', 'Warning Details');
$case->skipped = new SourceCaseOutput('Skipped', 'Skipped Message', 'Skipped Details');

echo (new JUnitConverter())->fromInternal($suite);

use JBZoo\CIReportConverter\Formats\GithubActions\GithubActions;

$ghActions = new GithubActions();
$case0 = $ghActions->addCase('src/Root.php');
$case0->line = 789;
$case0->column = null;
$case0->message = 'Something went wrong #0';

$suite1 = $ghActions->addSuite('src/File.php');
$case1 = $suite1->addCase('src/Class.php');
$case1->line = 123;
$case1->column = 4;
$case1->message = 'Something went wrong #1';

echo $ghActions->__toString();
cd  ~/your/project/root/directory
php ./vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests/examples/CheckStyleExamples.php --teamcity

# or
php ./vendor/bin/phpcs --report=checkstyle --standard=PSR12 -q ./src | ./ci-report-converter.phar
php ./vendor/bin/phpmd ./src json cleancode | ./ci-report-converter.phar -Sphpmd-json
php ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --error-format=checkstyle --no-progress ./src | ./ci-report-converter.phar
php ./vendor/bin/psalm --output-format=json | ./ci-report-converter.phar --input-format="psalm-json"
php ./vendor/bin/phan.phar --directory=./src --output-mode=checkstyle |  ./ci-report-converter.phar

::error file=src/Root.php,line=789::Something went wrong #0

::error file=src/Class.php,line=123,col=4::Something went wrong #1