PHP code example of jaykee1 / api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jaykee1/api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jaykee1 / api example snippets

$token = '<token>';
$api = new \api\base\API($token);

$request = new \api\base\Request($token, [
    'method' => 'sendMessage',
    'chat_id' => '<chat_id>',
    'text' => 'Hello !!'

$request = $api->sendMessage();
$request->chat_id = '<chat_id>';
$request->text = 'Hello !!';

$response = $request->send();

if ($response instanceof \api\response\Message) {
    // request succeed
    if ($response->hasText()) 
        $text = $response->getText();
    // OR
    // if (isset($response->text)) 
    //     $text = $response->text;

$request = $api->sendPhoto();
$request->chat_id = '<chat_id>';
$request->caption = 'sent by file_id.';
$request->photo = 'AgADBAADXME4GxQXZAc6zkxv265UJKGYEAAEC';

$request = $api->sendPhoto();
$request->chat_id = '<chat_id>';
$request->caption = 'sent by url.';
$request->photo = '';

$request = $api->sendPhoto();
$request->chat_id = '<chat_id>';
$request->caption = 'sent by InputFile.';
$request->photo = new \api\InputFile('@photos/cats.jpg');

$request->reply_markup = $markup;

use api\keyboard\ReplyKeyboardMarkup;
use api\keyboard\button\KeyboardButton;

// Keyboard plan
$markup = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup();
$markup->resize_keyboard = true;

// button for request user location
$locationBtn = new KeyboardButton();
$locationBtn->text = 'Send your location';
$locationBtn->request_location = true;
$markup->addButton($locationBtn, 1);

// button for request user phone number
$NumberBtn = new KeyboardButton();
$NumberBtn->text = 'Send your phone number';
$NumberBtn->request_contact = true;
$markup->addButton($NumberBtn, 2);

use api\keyboard\InlineKeyboardMarkup;
use api\keyboard\button\InlineKeyboardButton;

// Keyboard plan
$markup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup();

// url button
$urlBtn = new InlineKeyboardButton();
$urlBtn->text = 'Go to Google';
$urlBtn->url = '';
$markup->addButton($urlBtn, 1, 1);

// callback button
$callbackBtn = new InlineKeyboardButton();
$callbackBtn->text = 'Callback Btn';
$callbackBtn->callback_data = 'onclickCallbackBtn';
$markup->addButton($callbackBtn, 1, 2);

// switch button
$switchBtn = new InlineKeyboardButton();
$switchBtn->text = 'Switch to ...';
$switchBtn->switch_inline_query = 'my query';
$markup->addButton($switchBtn, 2);

$article = new \api\inline\InlineQueryResultArticle();
$article->id = 'result_1';
$article->title = 'Article';
$article->description = 'This is a article result.';

$input = new \api\input\InputTextMessageContent();
$input->message_text = '*Hello* my friend.';
$input->parse_mode = \api\ParseMode::MARKDOWN;
$article->input_message_content = $input;

$results[] = $article;

$getUpdates = $api->getUpdates();
$getUpdates->limit = 1;
$getUpdates->allowed_updates = ['inline_query'];
$updates = $getUpdates->send();

if (sizeof($updates) == 1) {
    $inlineQuery = $updates[0];
    $request = $api->answerInlineQuery();
    $request->results = $results;
    $request->inline_query_id = $inlineQuery->id;
    $response = $request->send();

$request = $api->sendChatAction();
$request->chat_id = '<chat_id>';
$request->action = \api\Actions::TYPING;

$request = $api->sendMessage();
$request->text = '*bold text*';
$request->chat_id = '<chat_id>';
$request->parse_mode = \api\ParseMode::MARKDOWN;

$response = $request->send();
if ($response instanceof \api\response\Error) {
    // request failed

use api\method\sendMessage;
use api\event\RequestFailed;

API::on(API::EVENT_REQUEST_FAILED, function (RequestFailed $event) {
    $error = $event->error;
    $method = $event->method;
    $code = $error->error_code;
    $description = $error->description;
    $message = '[' . $code . '] ' . $description;

    if ($method->has('chat_id')) {
        $token = $event->token;
        $chat_id = $method->get('chat_id');
        (new sendMessage($token))