PHP code example of jason-gao / http

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jason-gao/http library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jason-gao / http example snippets

$url = $httpRequest->getUrl();
echo $url;       // e.g.
echo $url->host; //

echo $httpRequest->getMethod(); // GET, POST, HEAD, PUT

if ($httpRequest->isMethod('GET')) ...

echo $httpRequest->isSecured() ? 'yes' : 'no';

echo $httpRequest->isAjax() ? 'yes' : 'no';

echo $httpRequest->getRemoteAddress(); // user's IP address
echo $httpRequest->getRemoteHost();    // and its DNS translation

echo $httpRequest->getReferer()->host;

$get = $httpRequest->getQuery();    // array of all URL parameters
$id = $httpRequest->getQuery('id'); // returns GET parameter 'id' (or null)

$post = $httpRequest->getPost();    // array of all POST parameters
$id = $httpRequest->getPost('id');  // returns POST parameter 'id' (or null)

$cookies = $httpRequest->getCookies(); // array of all cookies
$sessId = $httpRequest->getCookie('sess_id'); // returns the cookie (or null)

$files = $httpRequest->getFiles(); // array of all uploaded files

$file = $httpRequest->getFile('avatar'); // returns one file
echo $file->getName(); // name of the file sent by user
echo $file->getSanitizedName(); // the name without dangerous characters

// returns associative array of HTTP headers
$headers = $httpRequest->getHeaders();

// returns concrete header (case-insensitive)
$userAgent = $httpRequest->getHeader('User-Agent');

// Header sent by browser: Accept-Language: cs,en-us;q=0.8,en;q=0.5,sl;q=0.3

$langs = array('hu', 'pl', 'en'); // languages supported in application

echo $httpRequest->detectLanguage($langs); // en

$requestFactory = new Nette\Http\RequestFactory;

// remove spaces from path
$requestFactory->addUrlFilter('%20', '', PHP_URL_PATH);

// remove dot, comma or right parenthesis form the end of the URL

// clean the path from duplicated slashes (default filter)
$requestFactory->addUrlFilter('/{2,}', '/', PHP_URL_PATH);

// $container is a system container
$container->addService('httpRequest', $requestFactory->createHttpRequest());


echo $httpResponse->getCode(); // 404

$httpResponse->setContentType('text/plain', 'UTF-8');


// browser cache expires in one hour
$httpResponse->setExpiration('+ 1 hours');

$httpResponse->setHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache');

// or if we want to send the same header more times with different values
$httpResponse->addHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache');

// returns associative array of headers
$headers = $httpResponse->getHeaders();

// returns concrete header (case-insensitive)
$pragma = $httpResponse->getHeader('Pragma');

// setCookie($name, $value, $time, [$path, [$domain, [$secure, [$httpOnly]]]])
$httpResponse->setCookie('lang', 'en', '100 days'); // send cookie

// deleteCookie($name, [$path, [$domain, [$secure]]])
$httpResponse->deleteCookie('lang'); // delete cookie