PHP code example of jasmine2 / yii2-dwz

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jasmine2/yii2-dwz library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jasmine2 / yii2-dwz example snippets

use yii\dwz\Panel;
Panel::begin(['title'=>'Panel Title','class'=>'panel collapse close']);

use yii\dwz\Tabs;
echo Tabs::widget(['items'=>[
		['title'=>'t1','url'=>'','content'=>'t1 content'],

echo Alert::widget([
	'type'   => 'error',
	'content' => 'error',
	'message' => '您的数据提交成功!'

user yii\dwz\Dialog;

echo Dialog::widget([
		'rel' 	=> 'only_rel',
		'title' => 'Show title',
		'width' => '800',	//default 600
		'height'=> '600',	//default 300
		'mask'	=> false, //default true
		'url'	=> ['site/login'],
		'text'	=> 'show_Dialog'

php composer.phar