PHP code example of japmul / retries

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download japmul/retries library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


japmul / retries example snippets

use Retries\Retry;
use Retries\RetryFailureException;

$procedure = function() {
    // This is the function that might produce an error.

try {
    $retry = new Retry($procedure);
    $retry->setTryAmount(5); // Optional. Defaults to 3.
} catch (RetryFailureException $exception) {
    // All 5 times failed.

$retry = new Retry(function() {
    // Your function.

$retry = new Retry(function() {
    throw new LogicException;

use Retries\Retry;
use Retries\RetryFailureException;

$procedure = function() {
    // This is the function that might produce an error.

try {
    $retry = new Retry($procedure);
    $retry->setTryAmount(5); // Optional. Defaults to 3.
} catch (RetryFailureException $exception) {
    $originalExceptions = $exception->getOriginalExceptions();