PHP code example of jaocero / activity-timeline

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jaocero/activity-timeline library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jaocero / activity-timeline example snippets

use JaOcero\ActivityTimeline\Enums\IconAnimation;

public function activityTimelineInfolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
    return $infolist
            'activities' => [
                        'title' => "Published Article 🔥 - <span class='italic font-normal dark:text-success-400 text-success-600'>Published with Laravel Filament and Tailwind CSS</span>",
                        'description' => "<span>Approved and published. Here is the <a href='#' class='font-bold hover:underline dark:text-orange-300'>link.</a></span>",
                        'status' => 'published',
                        'created_at' => now()->addDays(8),
                        'title' => 'Reviewing Article - Final Touches',
                        'description' => "<span class='italic'>Reviewing the article and making it ready for publication.</span>",
                        'status' => '',
                        'created_at' => now()->addDays(5),
                        'title' => "Drafting Article - <span class='text-sm italic font-normal text-purple-800 dark:text-purple-300'>Make it ready for review</span>",
                        'description' => 'Drafting the article and making it ready for review.',
                        'status' => 'drafting',
                        'created_at' => now()->addDays(2),
                        'title' => 'Ideation - Looking for Ideas 🤯',
                        'description' => 'Idea for my article.',
                        'status' => 'ideation',
                        'created_at' => now()->subDays(7),

    	    You should enclose the entire components within a personalized "ActivitySection" entry.
            This section functions identically to the repeater entry; you simply have to provide the array state's key.

                ->label('My Activities')
                ->description('These are the activities that have been recorded.')
                        ->placeholder('No title is set')
                        ->allowHtml(), // Be aware that you will need to ensure that the HTML is safe to render, otherwise your application will be vulnerable to XSS attacks.
                        ->placeholder('No description is set')
                        ->date('F j, Y', 'Asia/Manila')
                        ->placeholder('No date is set.'),
                        ->icon(fn (string | null $state): string | null => match ($state) {
                            'ideation' => 'heroicon-m-light-bulb',
                            'drafting' => 'heroicon-m-bolt',
                            'reviewing' => 'heroicon-m-document-magnifying-glass',
                            'published' => 'heroicon-m-rocket-launch',
                            default => null,
                            You can animate icon with ->animation() method.
                            Possible values : IconAnimation::Ping, IconAnimation::Pulse, IconAnimation::Bounce, IconAnimation::Spin or a Closure
                        ->color(fn (string | null $state): string | null => match ($state) {
                            'ideation' => 'purple',
                            'drafting' => 'info',
                            'reviewing' => 'warning',
                            'published' => 'success',
                            default => 'gray',
                ->showItemsCount(2) // Show up to 2 items
                ->showItemsLabel('View Old') // Show "View Old" as link label
                ->showItemsIcon('heroicon-m-chevron-down') // Show button icon
                ->showItemsColor('gray') // Show button color and it supports all colors
                ->headingVisible(true) // make heading visible or not
                ->extraAttributes(['class'=>'my-new-class']) // add extra class

protected $activities;

public function __construct()
    $this->activities = User::query()->with('activities')->where('id', auth()->user()->id)->first();

public function activityTimelineInfolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
    return $infolist
        // ... remaining code

public function activityTimelineInfolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
    return $infolist
            'activities' => []
                // ... other code
                ->emptyStateHeading('No activities yet.')
                ->emptyStateDescription('Check back later for activities that have been recorded.')

php artisan make:filament-page ViewOrderActivities --resource=OrderResource --type=custom

public static function getPages(): array
    return [
        // ... other pages
        // The format of route doesn't matter, as long as it 

public static function table(Table $table): Table
    return $table
            // ...
            // ...
                ->url(fn ($record) => OrderResource::getUrl('activities', ['record' => $record])),
            // ...

use App\Filament\Resources\OrderResource;
use JaOcero\ActivityTimeline\Pages\ActivityTimelinePage;

class ViewOrderActivities extends ActivityTimelinePage
    protected static string $resource = OrderResource::class;

use App\Filament\Resources\OrderResource;
use JaOcero\ActivityTimeline\Pages\ActivityTimelinePage;

class ViewOrderActivities extends ActivityTimelinePage
    protected static string $resource = OrderResource::class;

    protected function configuration(): array
        return [
            'activity_section' => [
                'label' => 'Activities', // label for the section
                'description' => 'These are the activities that have been recorded.', // description for the section
                'show_items_count' => 0, // show the number of items to be shown
                'show_items_label' => 'Show more', // show button label
                'show_items_icon' => 'heroicon-o-chevron-down', // show button icon,
                'show_items_color' => 'gray', // show button color,
                'aside' => true, // show the section in the aside
                'empty_state_heading' => 'No activities yet', // heading for the empty state
                'empty_state_description' => 'Check back later for activities that have been recorded.', // description for the empty state
                'empty_state_icon' => 'heroicon-o-bolt-slash', // icon for the empty state
                'heading_visible' => true, // show the heading
                'extra_attributes' => [], // extra attributes
            'activity_title' => [
                'placeholder' => 'No title is set', // this will show when there is no title
                'allow_html' => true, // set true to allow html in the title

                 * You are free to adjust the state before displaying it on your page.
                 * Take note that the state returns these data below:
                 *      [
                 *       'log_name' => $activity->log_name,
                  *      'description' => $activity->description,
                  *      'subject' => $activity->subject,
                  *      'event' => $activity->event,
                  *      'causer' => $activity->causer,
                  *      'properties' => json_decode($activity->properties, true),
                  *      'batch_uuid' => $activity->batch_uuid,
                  *     ]

                  * If you wish to make modifications, please refer to the default code in the HasSetting trait.

                // 'modify_state' => function (array $state) {
                // }

            'activity_description' => [
                'placeholder' => 'No description is set', // this will show when there is no description
                'allow_html' => true, // set true to allow html in the description

                 * You are free to adjust the state before displaying it on your page.
                 * Take note that the state returns these data below:
                 *      [
                 *       'log_name' => $activity->log_name,
                  *      'description' => $activity->description,
                  *      'subject' => $activity->subject,
                  *      'event' => $activity->event,
                  *      'causer' => $activity->causer,
                  *      'properties' => json_decode($activity->properties, true),
                  *      'batch_uuid' => $activity->batch_uuid,
                  *     ]

                  * If you wish to make modifications, please refer to the default code in the HasSetting trait.

                // 'modify_state' => function (array $state) {
                // }

            'activity_date' => [
                'name' => 'created_at', // or updated_at
                'date' => 'F j, Y g:i A', // date format
                'placeholder' => 'No date is set', // this will show when there is no date
            'activity_icon' => [
                'icon' => fn (string | null $state): string | null => match ($state) {
                     * 'event_name' => 'heroicon-o-calendar',
                     * ... and more
                    default => null
                'color' => fn (string | null $state): string | null => match ($state) {
                     * 'event_name' => 'primary',
                     * ... and more
                    default => null
content: [