PHP code example of jalallinux / php-pm2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jalallinux/php-pm2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jalallinux / php-pm2 example snippets

pm2()->list(string $sortField = 'name', bool $desc = true): array<Process>

pm2()->link(string $publicKey, string $secretKey, string|null $machineName = null): bool

pm2()->unlink(): bool

pm2()->start(string $command = null, array $options = []): bool

pm2()->findBy(string $key, string $value): \JalalLinuX\Pm2\Structure\Process|null

pm2()->kill(): bool

pm2()->pid(string $name): int|null

pm2()->flush(): bool

pm2()->update(): mixed

pm2()->stopAll(): bool

pm2()->restartAll(): bool

pm2()->deleteAll(): bool

pm2()->stop(string $idOrName): bool

pm2()->restart(string $idOrName): bool

pm2()->delete(string $idOrName): bool

pm2()->save(bool $force = true): bool

pm2()->logOut(string $idOrName = null, int $lines = 100): string

pm2()->logErr(string $idOrName = null, int $lines = 100): string

pm2()->startup(): bool

pm2()->version(): string

pm2()->install(string $version = 'latest'): false|string|null

pm2()->isInstall(bool $forceInstall = false, string $version = 'latest'): bool