PHP code example of jakubkulhan / chrome-devtools-protocol

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jakubkulhan/chrome-devtools-protocol library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jakubkulhan / chrome-devtools-protocol example snippets

// context creates deadline for operations
$ctx = Context::withTimeout(Context::background(), 30 /* seconds */);

// launcher starts chrome process ($instance)
$launcher = new Launcher();
$instance = $launcher->launch($ctx);

try {
	// work with new tab
	$tab = $instance->open($ctx);

	$devtools = $tab->devtools();
	try {
		$devtools->page()->navigate($ctx, NavigateRequest::builder()->setUrl("")->build());

		// ... work with page ...
		// e.g.
		// - print to PDF: $devtools->page()->printToPDF($ctx, PrintToPDFRequest::make());
		// - capture screenshot: $devtools->page()->captureScreenshot($ctx, CaptureScreenshotRequest::builder()->setFormat("jpg")->setQuality(95)->build());

	} finally {
		// devtools client needs to be closed

} finally {
	// process needs to be killed

$ctx = Context::withTimeout(Context::background(), 10);
$launcher = new Launcher();
$instance = $launcher->launch($ctx);
try {
	$session = $instance->createSession($ctx);
	try {

		// $session implements DevtoolsClientInterface, same as returned from Tab::devtools()

	} finally {
} finally {