1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jakiboy/apaapi library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
jakiboy / apaapi example snippets
* @see Use Composer,
* Or
// (1) Init request builder
$builder = new Builder('_KEY_', '_SECRET_', '_TAG_', '_LOCALE_');
// (2) Get response (Search)
$data = $builder->searchOne('Sony Xperia Pro-I'); // Normalized array
* @see Use Composer,
* Or ;
// (1) Init scrapper
$scrapper = new Scrapper('B0D1C9HRFP', '_LOCALE_', '_TAG_');
// (2) Get response
$data = $scrapper->getOne(); // Normalized array
use Apaapi\lib\Cart;
// Init Cart
$cart = new Cart();
// Get Response
$data = $cart->set(['_ASIN_' => 3]); // String
use Apaapi\ting
$rating = new Rating('_ASIN_', '_LOCALE_', '_TAG_');
// Get Response
$data = $rating->get(); // Array
use Apaapi\operations\SearchItems;
use Apaapi\lib\Request;
use Apaapi\lib\Response;
// (1) Set operation
$operation = new SearchItems();
// (2) Prapere request
$request = new Request('_KEY_', '_SECRET_');
// (3) Get response
$response = new Response($request);
$data = $response->get(); // Array
use Apaapi\operations\GetItems;
use Apaapi\lib\Request;
use Apaapi\lib\Response;
// Set operation
$operation = new GetItems();
// Prapere request
$request = new Request('_KEY_', '_SECRET_');
// Get response
$response = new Response($request);
$data = $response->get(); // Array
use Apaapi\operations\GetItems;
use Apaapi\operations\SearchItems;
use Apaapi\operations\GetVariations;
use Apaapi\operations\GetBrowseNodes;
// (1) GetItems
$operation = new GetItems();
$operation->setItemIds(['_ASIN_']); // Array
// (2) SearchItems
$operation = new SearchItems();
$operation->setKeywords('_KEYWORDS_'); // String
// (3) GetVariations
$operation = new GetVariations();
$operation->setASIN('_ASIN_'); // String
// (4) GetBrowseNodes
$operation = new GetBrowseNodes();
$operation->setBrowseNodeIds(['_NODE_']); // Array
use Apaapi\operations\SearchItems;
// Set Operation
$operation = new SearchItems();
// Set Resources (3)
$operation->setResources(['Images.Primary.Small', 'ItemInfo.Title', 'Offers.Listings.Price']);
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