PHP code example of jahuty / snippets-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jahuty/snippets-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jahuty / snippets-php example snippets

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

$render = $jahuty->snippets->render(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID);

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

$render = $jahuty->snippets->render(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID);

echo $render;
echo $render->getContent();

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

$renders = $jahuty->snippets->allRenders('YOUR_TAG');

foreach ($renders as $render) {
  echo $render;

// Prefer the latest content for all renders.
$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY', ['prefer_latest' => true]);

// Use the default published content for all renders.
$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

// And, render the latest content for this one.
$render = $jahuty->snippets->render(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID, ['prefer_latest' => true]);

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

$render = $jahuty->snippets->render(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID, [
  'params' => [
    'foo' => 'bar'

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

$renders = $jahuty->snippets->allRenders('YOUR_TAG', [
  'params' => [
    '*' => [
      'foo' => 'bar'
    1 => [
      'baz' => 'qux'

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

$renders = $jahuty->snippets->allRenders('YOUR_TAG', [
  'params' => [
    '*' => [
      'foo' => 'bar'
    1 => [
      'foo' => 'qux'

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

$render = $jahuty->snippets->render(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID, [
  'location' => ''

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

// This call sends a synchronous API request; caches the result in memory; and,
// returns the resulting render.
$render1 = $jahuty->snippets->render(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID);

// This call skips sending an API request and uses the cached render instead.
$render2 = $jahuty->snippets->render(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID);

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY', ['cache' => CACHE_INSTANCE]);

// Cache all renders for sixty seconds.
$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY', [
  'cache' => $cache,
  'ttl'   => 60

// Use the caching implementation's TTL for all renders.
$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY', ['cache' => $cache]);

// But, cache this render for 60 seconds.
$render = $jahuty->snippets->render(1, [
  'ttl' => 60

$jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

// This call sends a network request, caches each render, and returns the
// collection.

// ... later in your application

// If this snippet exists in the previously rendered collection, the cached
// render will be used.
$render = $jahuty->snippets->render(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID);

// Disable all caching
$jahuty1 = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY', ['ttl' => 0]);

// Disable caching for this render
$jahuty2 = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');
$jahuty2->snippets->render(1, ['ttl' => 0]);

try {
  $jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');
  $render = $jahuty->snippets->render(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID);
} catch (\Jahuty\Exception\Error $e) {
  // The API returned something besides 2xx status code. Access the problem
  // object for more information.
  $problem = $e->getProblem();

  echo $problem->getStatus();  // returns status code
  echo $problem->getType();    // returns URL to more information
  echo $problem->getDetail();  // returns description of error
   "jahuty-php": "^5.4"

  $jahuty = new \Jahuty\Client('YOUR_API_KEY');