PHP code example of jacklul / monolog-telegram

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jacklul/monolog-telegram library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jacklul / monolog-telegram example snippets

$logger = new Logger('My project');
$handler = new TelegramHandler(
    '123456789:teMbvbETojnSG93jDhnynvH8pT28H9TIB1h',  // Bot API token
    987654321,  // Target Chat ID
    Logger::ERROR,  // Log level, default: DEBUG
    true,  // Bubble up the stack or not, default: true
    true,  // Use cURL or not? default: true = use when available
    10,    // Timeout for API requests, default: 10
    true   // Verify SSL certificate or not? default: true, false only useful for development - avoid in production
    2,     // (optional) Target Thread ID for group chats with Topics enabled

$handler->setFormatter(new TelegramFormatter());    // Usage of this formatter is optional but recommended if you want better message layout


$handler = new TelegramHandler('TOKEN', 123456789);
$handler->setFormatter(new TelegramFormatter());

// Combine all log entries into one and force batch processing
$handler = new BufferHandler($handler);

// Make sure that particular log stack wasn't sent before
$handler = new DeduplicationHandler($handler);

// Keep collecting logs until ERROR occurs, after that send collected logs to $handler
$handler = new FingersCrossedHandler($handler, new ErrorLevelActivationStrategy(Logger::ERROR));


$html = true;    // Choose whether to send the message in HTMl format
$format = "%emoji% <b>%level_name%</b> (%channel%) [%date%]\n\n%message%\n\n%context%%extra%";   // EMOJI ERROR (My project) [2018-05-01 15:55:15 UTC]
$date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s e';       // 2018-05-01 15:55:15 UTC, format must be supported by DateTime::format
$separator = '-';       // Seperation character for batch processing - when empty one empty line is used
$emojis = [         // Override any level emoji
    'NOTICE' => '🤖'

$handler->setFormatter(new TelegramFormatter($html, $format, $date_format, $separator, $emojis));