PHP code example of jackiedo / xml-array

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jackiedo/xml-array library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jackiedo / xml-array example snippets

Xml2Array::convert(DOMDocument|SimpleXMLElement|string $inputXML)->toArray();

Xml2Array::convert(DOMDocument|SimpleXMLElement|string $inputXML)->toJson(int $flag = 0);

use Jackiedo\XmlArray\Xml2Array;

$xmlString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"

$array = [
    "root_node" => [
        "tag"           => "Example tag",
        "attribute_tag" => [
            "@value"      => "Another tag with attributes",
            "@attributes" => [
                "description" => "This is a tag with attribute"
        "cdata_section" => [
            "@cdata" => "This is CDATA section"
        "tag_with_subtag" => [
            "sub_tag" => ["Sub tag 1", "Sub tag 2"]
        "mixed_section" => [
            "@value"  => "Hello",
            "@cdata"  => "This is another CDATA section",
            "section" => [
                    "@value"      => "Section number 1",
                    "@attributes" => [
                        "id" => "sec_1"
                    "@value"      => "Section number 2",
                    "@attributes" => [
                        "id" => "sec_2"
                    "@value"      => "Section number 3",
                    "@attributes" => [
                        "id" => "sec_3"
        "example:with_namespace" => [
            "example:sub" => "Content"
        "@attributes" => [
            "xmlns:example" => ""

use Jackiedo\XmlArray\Xml2Array;

$xmlObject = simplexml_load_file('');
$array     = Xml2Array::convert($xmlObject)->toArray();

$array = [
    "ExrateList" => [
        "DateTime" => "11/26/2018 1:56:20 PM",
        "Exrate" => [
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "AUD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "AUST.DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "16724.09",
                    "Transfer" => "16825.04",
                    "Sell" => "17008.7"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "CAD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "CANADIAN DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "17412.21",
                    "Transfer" => "17570.34",
                    "Sell" => "17762.14"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "CHF",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SWISS FRANCE",
                    "Buy" => "23074.67",
                    "Transfer" => "23237.33",
                    "Sell" => "23538.02"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "DKK",
                    "CurrencyName" => "DANISH KRONE",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "3493.19",
                    "Sell" => "3602.67"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "EUR",
                    "CurrencyName" => "EURO",
                    "Buy" => "26264.39",
                    "Transfer" => "26343.42",
                    "Sell" => "26736.61"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "GBP",
                    "CurrencyName" => "BRITISH POUND",
                    "Buy" => "29562.43",
                    "Transfer" => "29770.83",
                    "Sell" => "30035.68"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "HKD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "HONGKONG DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "2939.91",
                    "Transfer" => "2960.63",
                    "Sell" => "3004.95"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "INR",
                    "CurrencyName" => "INDIAN RUPEE",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "331.15",
                    "Sell" => "344.15"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "JPY",
                    "CurrencyName" => "JAPANESE YEN",
                    "Buy" => "200.38",
                    "Transfer" => "202.4",
                    "Sell" => "207.05"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "KRW",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SOUTH KOREAN WON",
                    "Buy" => "19.07",
                    "Transfer" => "20.07",
                    "Sell" => "21.33"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "KWD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "KUWAITI DINAR",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "76615.44",
                    "Sell" => "79621.23"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "MYR",
                    "CurrencyName" => "MALAYSIAN RINGGIT",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "5532.17",
                    "Sell" => "5603.76"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "NOK",
                    "CurrencyName" => "NORWEGIAN KRONER",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "2674.72",
                    "Sell" => "2758.55"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "RUB",
                    "CurrencyName" => "RUSSIAN RUBLE",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "349.9",
                    "Sell" => "389.89"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "SAR",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SAUDI RIAL",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "6206.27",
                    "Sell" => "6449.75"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "SEK",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SWEDISH KRONA",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "2536.35",
                    "Sell" => "2600.19"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "SGD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SINGAPORE DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "16775.66",
                    "Transfer" => "16893.92",
                    "Sell" => "17078.33"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "THB",
                    "CurrencyName" => "THAI BAHT",
                    "Buy" => "691.64",
                    "Transfer" => "691.64",
                    "Sell" => "720.49"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "USD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "US DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "23295",
                    "Transfer" => "23295",
                    "Sell" => "23385"
        "Source" => "Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - Vietcombank"

$jsonString = Xml2Array::convert($xmlString)->toJson(JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

Array2Xml::convert(array $array)->toXml(bool $prettyOutput = false);

Array2Xml::convert(array $array)->toDom();

use Jackiedo\XmlArray\Array2Xml;

// We will use array from the result of first example as input for this example
$xmlString = Array2Xml::convert($array)->toXml(true);

$domObject = Array2Xml::convert($array)->toDom();

$config = [
    'valueKey' => '@text',
    'cdataKey' => '@cdata-section',

$array = Xml2Array::convert($inputXml, $config)->toArray();

// And for backward processing
$xml = Array2Xml::convert($inputArray, $config)->toXml();

$converter = new Xml2Array($config);
$array     = $converter->convertFrom($inputXml)->toArray();

$converter = new Xml2Array;
$array     = $converter->setConfig($config)->convertFrom($inputXml)->toArray();

$config = $converter->getConfig();

$defaultConfig = [
    'version'          => '1.0',         // Version of XML document
    'encoding'         => 'UTF-8',       // Encoding of XML document
    'standalone'       => null,          // Standalone directive for XML document
    'attributesKey'    => '@attributes', // The key name use for storing attributes of node
    'cdataKey'         => '@cdata',      // The key name use for storing value of Cdata Section in node
    'valueKey'         => '@value',      // The key name use for storing text content of node
    'namespacesOnRoot' => true           // Collapse all the namespaces at the root node, otherwise it will put in the nodes for which the namespace first appeared.

$defaultConfig = [
    'version'       => '1.0',         // Version of XML document
    'encoding'      => 'UTF-8',       // Encoding of XML document
    'standalone'    => null,          // Standalone directive for XML document
    'attributesKey' => '@attributes', // The key name use for storing attributes of node
    'cdataKey'      => '@cdata',      // The key name use for storing value of Cdata Section in node
    'valueKey'      => '@value',      // The key name use for storing text content of node
    'rootElement'   => null,          // The name of root node will be create automatically in process of conversion
    'keyFixer'      => true,          // The automatically key normalization will be used during conversion. It can be bool|string|numeric|callable

$xml = Array2Xml::convert($array, [
    'standalone' => true

$array = Xml2Array::convert($xmlString, [
    'namespacesOnRoot' => false

$array = [
    "root_node" => [
        "tag"           => "Example tag",
        "attribute_tag" => [
            "@value"      => "Another tag with attributes",
            "@attributes" => [
                "description" => "This is a tag with attribute"
        "example:with_namespace" => [
            "@attributes" => [
                "xmlns:example" => ""
            "example:sub" => "Content"

// Do not use the key normalization
$xml = Array2Xml::convert($array, [
    'keyFixer' => false

// Use the key normalization with default character (_)
$xml = Array2Xml::convert($array, [
    'keyFixer' => true

// Replace with '---'
$xml = Array2Xml::convert($array, [
    'keyFixer' => '---'

// Use a callable for fixing
$xml = Array2Xml::convert($array, [
    'keyFixer' => function ($key) {
        $key = str_replace('/', '_', $key);
        $key = str_replace('\\' , '.', $key);

        return $key;