PHP code example of jacerider / neo_icon

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jacerider/neo_icon library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jacerider / neo_icon example snippets

use Drupal\neo_icon\IconTranslationTrait;

// Dynamic icon using icon repository.
// Specific icon by name using weighted library match.
$this->icon('Angel', 'drupal');
// Specific icon by name from specific library (if published). If library does
// not exist or is not published, a weighted library match will be used.
$this->icon('Angel', 'drupal', 'solid');
// Supplying a prefix will filter the dynamic icon repository lookup to only
// those definitions that support that prefix. It allows, for example, an icon
// to be scoped to only be available in the admin.
$this->icon('Angel', NULL, NULL, ['admin']);
// If you want to get an get a dynamic icon regardless of the prefix, you can
// pass 'any' as the prefix.
$this->icon('Angel', NULL, NULL, ['all']);