PHP code example of izica / bitrix-iblock-query-builder

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download izica/bitrix-iblock-query-builder library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


izica / bitrix-iblock-query-builder example snippets

$arBadgesItems = IblockQuery::items()
    ->properties(false) // выключает запрос на доп. свойства
        $arItem['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] = CFile::GetPath($arItem['PREVIEW_PICTURE']);
        return $arItem;
    ->execute(); // возвращает экземляр класса IblockQueryResult

$arBadgesSections = IblockQuery::sections()

$arBadgesSections = IblockQuery::items()
        $arItem['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] = CFile::GetPath($arItem['PREVIEW_PICTURE']);
        return $arItem;

$arBadgesItems = IblockQuery::items()
    ->filter(['IBLOCK_ID' => $nBadgesIblockId])
    ->select(['ID', 'NAME', 'PROPERTY_COLOR'])

$arBadgesSections = IblockQuery::sections()
    ->filter(['IBLOCK_ID' => $nBadgesIblockId])
    ->select(['ID', 'NAME', 'PROPERTY_COLOR'])

$arBadgesItems = IblockQuery::items()